VLT-detection of two edge-on Circumstellar Disks in the ρ Oph dark cloud

W. Brandner, S. Sheppard, H. Zinnecker, L. Close, F. Iwamuro, A. Krabbe, T. Maihara, K. Motohara, D. L. Padgett, A. Tokunaga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


Observations of the ρ Ophiuchi star forming region with VLT ANTU and ISAAC under 0″.35 seeing conditions reveal two bipolar reflection nebulosities intersected by central dust lanes. The sources (OphE-MM3 and CRBR 2422.8-3423) can be identified as spatially resolved circumstellar disks viewed close to edge-on, similar to edge-on disk sources discovered previously in the Taurus and Orion star forming regions. Millimeter continuum fluxes yield disk masses of the order of 0.01 M, i.e. about the mass deemed necessary for the minimum solar nebula. Follow-up spectroscopic observations with SUBARU and CISCO show that both disk sources exhibit featureless continua in the K-band. No accretion or outflow signatures were detected. The slightly less edge-on orientation of the disk around CRBR 2422.8-3423 compared to HH 30 leads to a dramatic difference in the flux seen in the ISOCAM 4.5 μm to 12 μm bands. The observations confirm theoretical predictions on the effect of disk geometry and inclination angle on the spectral energy distribution of young stellar objects with circumstellar disks.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)L13-L18
JournalAstronomy and astrophysics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes


  • Galaxy: open clusters and associations: individual: rho Ophiuchi dark cloud
  • Stars: circumstellar matter
  • Stars: formation
  • Stars: pre-main sequence

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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