Variability of Stereoacuity in Intermittent Exotropia

Sarah R. Hatt, Brian G. Mohney, David A. Leske, Jonathan M. Holmes

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69 Scopus citations


Purpose: Distance stereoacuity is used to monitor deterioration of intermittent exotropia (IXT), but variability of stereoacuity has not been studied rigorously. The purpose of this study was to assess the variability of stereoacuity over one day in children with IXT. Design: Prospective cohort study. Methods: Twelve children with IXT were recruited. Stereoacuity was assessed using the Frisby Davis Distance test and the Distance Randot test at distance, and the Frisby and Preschool Randot tests at near. Tests were repeated three or four times over the day, with at least two hours between assessments. The main outcome measure was variable stereoacuity defined as a change by two or more log levels between any two time points over the day. Results: Variable stereoacuity at distance was found in five (42%) of 12 patients. Four (33%) of 12 patients demonstrated variable results using the Distance Randot test, three of whom also showed variable results using the Frisby Davis Distance test. One patient had variable results using the Frisby Davis Distance test only. Nine (75%) of 12 patients completed near stereoacuity testing; two (22%) of nine showed variable near stereoacuity. Two (22%) of nine showed variable results using the Preschool Randot test, one (11%) of whom also had variable results using the Frisby test. In some cases, stereoacuity changed from measurable stereoacuity on one assessment to nil on another. Conclusions: Nearly half of children with IXT show marked changes in stereoacuity over the course of a single day. When based on isolated measures, an apparent change in distance stereoacuity between visits should be interpreted with caution.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)556-561.e1
JournalAmerican Journal of Ophthalmology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2008
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ophthalmology


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