Transnational preservice teachers' literate lives and writing pedagogy in a digital era

Minda Morren López, Carol Brochin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

1 Scopus citations


This chapter focuses on the experiences of Latin@ transnational preservice teachers as they detail their (bi)literate lives through multimodal texts, specifically digital timelines and literacy narratives. Using qualitative methods, the authors examine the ways in which the production of multimodal texts became the medium through which participants could reflect on their own literacy processes through reflection and sharing. Preservice teachers were also asked to discuss their understandings of writing pedagogy and how they envisioned their future classrooms. Most of the Latin@ participants reported multiple language use and a variety of contexts where they learned about literacies. In addition, the multimodal and digital aspects of the assignments assisted students in recalling memories, widening their views of what counts as literacy, and fostering more inclusive writing pedagogy. Providing future classroom teachers with opportunities for engaging in mulitimodal composing along with critical reflection has the potential to transform and disrupt dominant ideologies towards literacy practices and English language dominance. Understanding the complex literacy practices of preservice teachers may also lead to shaping the future of literacy instruction to better serve an increasingly multilingual, multicultural student population.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationExploring Multimodal Composition and Digital Writing
PublisherIGI Global
Number of pages18
ISBN (Electronic)9781466643468
ISBN (Print)1466643455, 9781466643451
StatePublished - Jul 31 2013
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities
  • General Social Sciences


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