title = "Trace elements in rims and interiors of Chainpur chondrules",
abstract = "Trace elements were measured in the rims and interiors of nine chondrules separated from the Chainpur LL-3 chondrite. Whole rock samples of Chainpur and samples of separated rims were also measured. Chondrule rims are moderately enriched in siderophile and volatile elements relative to the chondrule interiors. The enriched volatile elements include the lithophilic volatile element Zn. The moderate enrichment of volatiles in chondrule rims and the lack of severe depletion in chondrules can account for the complete volatile inventory in Chainpur. These results support a three-component model of chondrite formation in which metal plus sulfide, chondrules plus rims and matrix silicates are mixed to form chondrites.",
author = "Wilkening, {Laurel L.} and Boynton, {William V.} and Hill, {Dolores H.}",
note = "Funding Information: GOADING J. t. and &II_ K. f t980)R elativea bundanceosf chondrufep ~rna~t exturalt ypesi n ordinaryc hondrites and their bearingo n conditionso f chondrulef ormation. Meteoritics 16, 17-43. -DING J. L., KEIL K., FUKU~KAT . and Scwwt-t R. A. (I930) Elementata bundancesin chondruiesf rom un-equihbratedch ondritesez videncefo r chondrufeo rigin by meItingo f pre-existingm ateriafsE. ar& 9ianet.S ci. Ldw. 50, l?f-l80. GROSMAN 3. N. and WASSONJ _ T. (1982)E videncef or primitiven ebularc omponentisn chondrulefsr om the Chainpurc hondriteG. eochim. Cosmochim. Acta 46, 108 l-1099. GROSSMANJ . N. and WASSOFJI. T. (1983R) efractorpyr e-cursoor rnamentso FSemarkoncah ondruiesa ndt hef mc- andD . Hamaraf or programminagn dm aintain&g&em ulti: channela naiyzersW. e also thank A. Meyer, M. F&o and c&agues at the Universityo f Missouri ReactorF aulty for assistancwe ith the ~~i~~on~T he paperg reatlyb et&ted fromt hec onstructivree views ofJL. . Good@, J. N. Grossman and G, R. Huss.T he countingw asp erformeda t theA rizona Gamma-RayC ountingF acilitye stablishebdy theU niversity ofA rizonaa ndNSF Grant EAR ~~~2~~T~his reseat&w as supportedin part by NASA grantsN SG 701f to LLW and NSG 7436 and NAG 9-37 to WVB.",
year = "1984",
month = may,
doi = "10.1016/0016-7037(84)90197-2",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "48",
pages = "1071--1080",
journal = "Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",
issn = "0016-7037",
publisher = "Elsevier Limited",
number = "5",