The Influence of Stimulus Size on Measured Visual Field Extent in Infants

Velma Dobson, Meigan B. Baldwin, Kathleen M. Mohan, Suzanne M. Delaney, Erin M. Harvey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Purpose. To compare measured visual field extent for a 6° stimulus (typical size used in studies of infants) with a 1.5° stimulus (similar to the largest size used in Goldmann perimetry) in young infants. Methods. A total of 120 infants (60 each at 3.5 months and 7 months of age) and 24 adults were tested monocularly with a kinetic perimetry procedure using a black double-arc perimeter. Each subject was tested with either a 6° or 1.5° white sphere, which was mounted on a black wand and moved smoothly toward the intersection of the perimeter arms at 3.4°/s. Visual field extent along each perimeter arm was defined as the median of 2 to 3 measurements of the position of the leading edge of the stimulus when the subject made an eye movement toward the stimulus. Results. The 6° stimulus produced larger measured visual field extent than the 1.5° stimulus in 3.5-month olds (temporal field only) and in 7-month olds (nasal and temporal field), but not in adults. Conclusions. Using the testing conditions of the present study, increasing stimulus size beyond the largest used in a Goldmann perimeter (∼20) increases measured visual field extent in young infants, but not in adults. This may relate to differences in peripheral summation areas or to differences in attentional factors between infants and adults.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)698-702
Number of pages5
JournalOptometry and Vision Science
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2003


  • Infants
  • Monocular visual field extent
  • Perimetry
  • Stimulus size

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ophthalmology
  • Optometry


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