Testing the nanoparticle-allostatic cross-adaptation-sensitization model for homeopathic remedy effects

Iris R. Bell, Mary Koithan, Audrey J. Brooks

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Key concepts of the Nanoparticle-Allostatic Cross-Adaptation-Sensitization (NPCAS) Model for the action of homeopathic remedies in living systems include source nanoparticles as low level environmental stressors, heterotypic hormesis, cross-adaptation, allostasis (stress response network), time-dependent sensitization with endogenous amplification and bidirectional change, and self-organizing complex adaptive systems. The model accommodates the requirement for measurable physical agents in the remedy (source nanoparticles and/or source adsorbed to silica nanoparticles). Hormetic adaptive responses in the organism, triggered by nanoparticles; bipolar, metaplastic change, dependent on the history of the organism. Clinical matching of the patient's symptom picture, including modalities, to the symptom pattern that the source material can cause (cross-adaptation and cross-sensitization). Evidence for nanoparticle-related quantum macro-entanglement in homeopathic pathogenetic trials. This paper examines research implications of the model, discussing the following hypotheses: Variability in nanoparticle size, morphology, and aggregation affects remedy properties and reproducibility of findings. Homeopathic remedies modulate adaptive allostatic responses, with multiple dynamic short- and long-term effects. Simillimum remedy nanoparticles, as novel mild stressors corresponding to the organism's dysfunction initiate time-dependent cross-sensitization, reversing the direction of dysfunctional reactivity to environmental stressors. The NPCAS model suggests a way forward for systematic research on homeopathy. The central proposition is that homeopathic treatment is a form of nanomedicine acting by modulation of endogenous adaptation and metaplastic amplification processes in the organism to enhance long-term systemic resilience and health.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)66-81
Number of pages16
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2013


  • Allostasis
  • Complex adaptive systems
  • Cross-sensitization
  • Homeopathy
  • Metaplasticity
  • Nanoparticle
  • Physiological stress response
  • Research design
  • Time-dependent sensitization

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Complementary and alternative medicine


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