Temperature and area constraints of the South Volund Volcano on Io from the NIMS and SSI instruments during the Galileo G1 orbit

Ashley Gerard Davies, Alfred S. McEwen, Rosaly M.C. Lopes-Gautier, Laszlo Keszthelyi, Robert W. Carlson, William D. Smythe

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50 Scopus citations


Analysis of data from darkside and eclipse observations of Io by the NIMS and SSI instruments show that the South Volund hot spot is a manifestation of high temperature active silicate volcanism. The NIMS data are fitted with a two temperature model (developed from modelling terrestrial lavas) which yields a better fit to the data than a single temperature fit. The multispectral color temperatures obtained from NIMS are compared with the brightness temperatures obtained from the SSI instrument, and show excellent agreement for the hotter of the two components fitted to the NIMS data. The two components might correspond to a cooled crust which has formed on the surface of an active flow or lava lake, at a temperature of approximately 450 K, and covering an area of about 50 km2, and a hotter and much smaller component, at a temperature of approximately 1100 K and an area of less than 0.1 km2. The hot component implies the existence of cracks in the surface crust of a flow or lake through which the hot interior radiates, a hot vent area, or breakouts of lava forming new flow lobes. The ratio of these areas is consistent with the crack-to-crust ratio of some lava flows and lava lakes on Earth.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number97GL02310
Pages (from-to)2447-2450
Number of pages4
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number20
StatePublished - 1997

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences


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