Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge among Medical Educators: What Is Our Readiness to Teach with Technology?

Julie Youm, Janet Corral

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Purpose This study aimed to empirically assess medical educator knowledge of pedagogy and technology to inform the direction of faculty development efforts. Method The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework survey is a validated instrument for understanding educators’ knowledge of content (CK), pedagogy (PK), and technology (TK) in teaching. A modified version of the TPACK was administered to medical educators (N = 76) at 2 public institutions: University of California, Irvine School of Medicine (UC Irvine); and University of Colorado School of Medicine (CU). Results An independent-samples t test compared TK with PK and CK within each institution. The means of TK (UC Irvine: 3.4; CU: 3.4) and both PK for didactic sessions (UC Irvine: 3.9; CU: 4.4) and PK for clinical settings (UC Irvine: 4.0; CU: 4.4) were compared using a t test and statistically different, P < .01. Similarly, the means of TK and CK (UC Irvine: 4.5; CU: 4.7) were statistically different, P < .01. A Wilcoxon rank sum test indicated that the CU PK for a didactic session (mean: 4.4) was greater than the UC Irvine PK for a didactic session (mean: 3.9), P < .01. Similarly, the CU PK for a clinical setting (mean: 4.4) was greater than the UC Irvine PK for a clinical setting (mean: 4.0), P < .01. Conclusions There is a clear need for faculty development programs for medical educators to focus on how to teach with technology if medical schools continue to adopt technology within their curricula.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)S69-S72
JournalAcademic Medicine
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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