Surface composition of Hyperion

D. P. Cruikshank, J. B. Dalton, C. M.Dalle Ore, J. Bauer, K. Stephan, G. Filacchione, A. R. Hendrix, C. J. Hansen, A. Coradini, P. Cerroni, F. Tosi, F. Capaccioni, R. Jaumann, B. J. Buratti, R. N. Clark, R. H. Brown, R. M. Nelson, T. B. McCord, K. H. Baines, P. D. NicholsonC. Sotin, A. W. Meyer, G. Bellucci, M. Combes, J. P. Bibring, Y. Langevin, B. Sicardy, D. L. Matson, V. Formisano, P. Drossart, V. Mennella

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

49 Scopus citations


Hyperion, Saturn's eighth largest icy satellite, is a body of irregular shape in a state of chaotic rotation. The surface is segregated into two distinct units. A spatially dominant high-albedo unit having the strong signature of H2O ice contrasts with a unit that is about a factor of four lower in albedo and is found mostly in the bottoms of cup-like craters. Here we report observations of Hyperion's surface in the ultraviolet and near-infrared spectral regions with two optical remote sensing instruments on the Cassini spacecraft at closest approach during a fly-by on 25-26 September 2005. The close fly-by afforded us the opportunity to obtain separate reflectance spectra of the high- and low-albedo surface components. The low-albedo material has spectral similarities and compositional signatures that link it with the surface of Phoebe and a hemisphere-wide superficial coating on Iapetus.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)54-56
Number of pages3
Issue number7149
StatePublished - Jul 7 2007

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