Steady state macroscopic superpositions in a micromaser

Pierre Meystre, John J. Slosser, Ewan M. Wright

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The micromaser field master equation has been solved for atoms injected in a coherent superposition of their upper and lower states. The results show that at very low temperatures, steady-state macroscopic superpositions can be generated in a micromaser pumped by two-level atoms injected in a coherent superposition of their upper and lower states. In particular, the steady-state field entropy undergoes a sharp transition as a function of the ratio Nex = R/γ between the atomic injection rate and cavity decay rate. A broad region of generally constant entropy is followed by a region where S decreases approximately as 1/Nex. This is clear evidence that the steady state of the micromaser field approaches a pure state. The impact of this transition on the mean photon number and the normalized variance as a function of Nex is examined. At the transition, the micromaser field changes its character from a near-vacuum state for low Nex to a field with distinctly super-Poissonian photon statistics. This transition is distinct from the conventional laser threshold.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages2
StatePublished - 1990
Event17th International Conference on Quantum Electronics - IQEC '90 - Anaheim, CA, USA
Duration: May 21 1990May 25 1990


Other17th International Conference on Quantum Electronics - IQEC '90
CityAnaheim, CA, USA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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