Sorption and degradation of pesticides and organic chemicals in soil. Proceedings of a symposium, Denver, October 1991

D. M. Linn, T. H. Carski, M. L. Brusseau, F. H. Chang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

37 Scopus citations


The 14 individually authored contributions bring together current thinking on: coupling biodegradation of organic chemicals to sorption and transport in soils and aquifers; degradation of atrazine and metolachlor in subsoils from an Atlantic Coastal Plain watershed; biodegradation of atrazine and alachlor in subsurface sediments; diazinon degradation and dissipation in the root zone; effect of soil depth on carbofuran and aldicarb degradation; effect of sorption-desorption and diffusion processes on the kinetics of biodegradation of organic chemicals; miscible dispacement and theoretical techniques for simultaneous study of pesticide sorption and degradation during transport; effect of sorption on the degradation of aromatic acids and bases; reductive dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene in wetland soils; bioavailability and bioactivity of sorbed organic chemicals; influence of contaminant ageing and soil organic carbon content on the bioavailability of sorbed napthalene to bacteria; utility of sorption and degradation parameters from the literature for site-specific pesticide impact assessments; integradation between physiochemical processes and microbial ecology in the enhanced biodegradation of soil pesticides; and enhanced biodegradation of the nematicide fenamiphos. -J.W.Cooper

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationSorption and degradation of pesticides and organic chemicals in soil. Proceedings of a symposium, Denver, October 1991
PublisherSoil Science Society of America Inc., Madison, WI; Special Publication, 32
ISBN (Print)0891188037, 9780891188032
StatePublished - 1993

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Environmental Science
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences


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