Simultaneous Native Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Single and Double Mutants To Probe Lipid Binding to Membrane Proteins

Hiruni S. Jayasekera, Farhana Afrin Mohona, Megan Ewbank, Michael T. Marty

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Lipids are critical modulators of membrane protein structure and function. However, it is challenging to investigate the thermodynamics of protein-lipid interactions because lipids can simultaneously bind membrane proteins at different sites with different specificities. Here, we developed a native mass spectrometry (MS) approach using single and double mutants to measure the relative energetic contributions of specific residues on Aquaporin Z (AqpZ) toward cardiolipin (CL) binding. We first mutated potential lipid-binding residues on AqpZ, and mixed mutant and wild-type proteins together with CL. By using native MS to simultaneously resolve lipid binding to the mutant and wild-type proteins in a single spectrum, we directly determined the relative affinities of CL binding, thereby revealing the relative Gibbs free energy change for lipid binding caused by the mutation. Comparing different mutants revealed that W14 contributes to the tightest CL binding site, with R224 contributing to a lower affinity site. Using double mutant cycling, we investigated the synergy between W14 and R224 sites on CL binding. Overall, this novel native MS approach provides unique insights into the binding of lipids to specific sites on membrane proteins.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)10426-10433
Number of pages8
JournalAnalytical Chemistry
Issue number25
StatePublished - Jun 25 2024
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry

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