Selecting medications for the treatment of urinary incontinence

Barry D. Weiss

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


In response to the growing population of older patients with incontinence, pharmaceutical companies are developing new drugs to treat the condition. Before prescribing medications for incontinence, however, physicians should determine the nature and cause of the patient's incontinence. The evaluation should rule out reversible conditions, conditions requiring special evaluation, and over ow bladder. The best treatment for urge incontinence is behaviour therapy in the form of pelvic oor muscle exercises. Medications, used as an adjunct to behaviour therapy, can provide additional benefit. Many therapies are available for patients with stress incontinence, including pelvic oor muscle exercise, surgery, intravaginal support devices, pessaries, peri-urethral injections, magnetic chairs, and intra-urethral inserts. No medication has been approved for the treatment of stress incontinence, although medications are under development.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)58-64
Number of pages7
JournalSouth African Family Practice
Issue number5
StatePublished - Jun 2006

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Family Practice


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