Search for light gluinos via decays containing π+ π- or π0 from a Neutral Hadron Beam at Fermilab

A. Alavi-Harati, I. F. Albuquerque, T. Alexopoulos, M. Arenton, K. Arisaka, S. Averitte, A. R. Barker, L. Bellantoni, A. Bellavance, J. Belz, R. Ben-David, D. R. Bergman, E. Blucher, G. J. Bock, C. Bown, J. D. Bricker, S. Bright, E. Cheu, S. Childress, R. ColemanM. D. Corcoran, G. Corti, B. Cox, M. B. Crisler, A. R. Erwin, R. Ford, A. Golossanov, G. Graham, J. Graham, K. Hagan, E. Halkiadakis, K. Hanagaki, S. Hidaka, Y. B. Hsiung, V. Jejer, J. Jennings, D. A. Jensen, R. Kessler, H. G.E. Kobrak, J. La Due, A. Lath, A. Ledovskoy, P. L. Mc Bride, A. P. Mc Manus, P. Mikelsons, E. Monnier, T. Nakaya, U. Nauenberg, K. S. Nelson, H. Nguyen, V. O’dell, M. Pang, R. Pordes, V. Prasad, C. Qiao, B. Quinn, E. J. Ramberg, R. E. Ray, A. Roodman, M. Sadamoto, S. Schnetzer, K. Senyo, P. Shanahan, P. S. Shawhan, W. Slater, N. Solomey, S. V. Somalwar, R. L. Stone, I. Suzuki, E. C. Swallow, R. A. Swanson, S. A. Taegar, R. J. Tesarek, G. B. Thomson, P. A. Toale, A. K. Tripathi, R. Tschirhart, Y. W. Wah, J. Wang, H. B. White, J. Whitmore, B. Winstein, R. Winston, J. Y. Wu, T. Yamanaka, E. D. Zimmerman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


We report on two null searches, one for the spontaneous appearance of π+ π- pairs, another for a single π0, consistent with the decay of a long-lived neutral particle into hadrons and an unseen neutral particle. For the lowest level gluon-gluino bound state, known as the R0, we exclude the decays R0 #x2192; π+π- γ for the masses of R0 and γ in the theoretically allowed range. In the most interesting R0 mass range, ≤ 3 GeV/c2, we exclude R0 lifetimes from 3 #x00D7; 10-10 sec to as high as 10-3 sec, assuming perturbative QCD production for the R0.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2128-2132
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical review letters
Issue number11
StatePublished - Jan 1 1999

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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