Rock mechanics. Proceedings of the 28th US symposium, Tucson, June-July 1987.

I. W. Farmer, J. J.K. Daemen, C. S. Desai, C. E. Glass, S. P. Neuman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The symposium covered a wide range of applications with no specific theme but with more emphasis on fluid flow through rock masses and coupled flow; rock fracture and thermomechanical behaviour; rock characterization and remote techniques; field and laboratory testing; constitutive models; hydrofracture; well bore and tunnel stability; rock fragmentation and excavation; mine stability and rock mechanics in geologic repository design. Case histories and scale model studies are included. The ca.140 papers are arranged under 17 subject headings.-from Editors

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationRock mechanics. Proceedings of the 28th US symposium, Tucson, June-July 1987.
ISBN (Print)9061916992, 9789061916994
StatePublished - 1987

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Environmental Science
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences


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