Professional development in integrative health through an interprofessional online course in clinical settings

Audrey J. Brooks, Victoria Maizes, John Billimek, Jennifer Blair, Mei Kuang Chen, Elizabeth Goldblatt, David Kilgore, Maryanna Klatt, Benjamin Kligler, Mary S. Koithan, Mary Jo Kreitzer, Jeannie K. Lee, Ana Maria Lopez, Douglas Taren, Patricia Lebensohn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Background: Although there is mounting clinical and cost-effectiveness evidence supporting integrative healthcare (IH), a significant knowledge gap hinders widespread adoption by health professionals. Intervention: Foundations in Integrative Health (FIH), a 32-h online competency-based interprofessional course to address this knowledge gap. Methods: The course was pilot-tested by an interprofessional sample of providers in various clinical settings as professional and staff development. Outcome Measures: Prior to and following the course, participants completed an IH knowledge test, an IH self-efficacy self-assessment, and validated measures of burnout, wellness behaviors, and attitudes toward IH, interprofessional teams, and patient involvement. Evaluation surveys were administered following each unit and the course. Results: Thirty-one percent of the participants (n = 214/690) completed the course. Pre/post course improvements were found in IH knowledge, IH self-efficacy, attitudes towards IH and interprofessional teams, and several wellness behaviors. The course was positively evaluated with 81% of the participants indicating interest in applying IH principles in their practice and 92% reported that the course enhanced their clinical experience. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the outcomes of a multi-site, online IH curriculum offered to a diverse group of health professionals in various clinical settings. This course may allow clinical settings to offer an interprofessional, IH curriculum even with limited on-site faculty expertise.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)505-512
Number of pages8
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 1 2021


  • Clinical setting
  • Healthcare provider wellbeing
  • Integrative health
  • Interprofessional education
  • Online education

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analysis
  • General Nursing
  • Chiropractics
  • Complementary and alternative medicine


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