title = "Phase I study of MVE-2 therapy in human cancer",
author = "Powell, {M. L.} and Hersh, {E. M.} and Gutterman, {J. U.}",
note = "Funding Information: M. Rosenblum, A. Rios, E. Hersh and T. Loo. The University of Texas System Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital, Houston, Tx. 77030 MVE-2 is a polyanlonic macromolecule with an average molecular weight of 15,500 daltons. In concert with its phase I clinical trial, we developed a high performance liquid chro-matographlc (HPLC) method for analysis of MVE-2 in biological fluids to study its pharmacokinetics. The lowest limits of detection of MVE-2 were lO~g/ml in plasma and 25~g/ml in urine. Pharmacology studies were performed on six patients with cancer who received MVE-2 as a l-hour infusion. Four patients received 650 mg/m 2 and 2 received 1000 mg/m 2 and 1500 mg/m 2 respectively. MVE-2 disappeared from the plasma exponentially and its pharmacoklnetics could best (r2-0.95) be described by the open one compartment mathemai-cal model. Plasma t½ ranged from 13-15 minutes and was independent of dose. The apparent volume distribution (Vd) was 220 ml/kp and the clearance rate was II.I ml/mln/kg. Although the agent was cleared rapidly, only 45Z of the dose was excreted in the urine 24 hours after administration with only small amounts of MVE-2 excreted in urine thereafter. In light of the fast clearance but relatively low urinary excretion of this agen~ these studies suggest that MVE-2 may be rapidly sequestered or metabolized in vlvo. Supported by NCI contract 6Rd-87185, Grant CA-29769, Biomedical Research Support Grant RR 5511 and a grant from Adria Laboratories.",
year = "1981",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "Vol. 22",
pages = "750",
journal = "Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research",