Performance evaluation of furrow irrigation water management practice under Wonji Shoa Sugar Estate condition, in Central Ethiopia

Belay Yadeta, Mekonen Ayana, Muluneh Yitayew, Tilahun Hordofa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Wonji Shoa Sugar Estate (WSSE) is one of the large-scale irrigation schemes in Ethiopia which was established in 1951. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of current furrow irrigation water management practices of WSSE. Performance evaluation of the current furrow irrigation was evaluated based on field experiment and the WinSRFR model. For this purpose, ten fields were selected from commonly used furrow lengths (32, 48, and 64 m). Application efficiency, distribution uniformity, and deep percolation performance indicators were used for evaluation. The performance of furrow irrigation showed poor performance, and as an improvement option, inflow rate and cutoff time were altered keeping furrow geometry constant. Advance and recession times for all furrow lengths were recorded and simulated using the WinSRFR model to obtain an accurate cutoff time of irrigation. The result obtained showed that the time allocated for all furrow lengths was not accurately determined. As an improvement option, both inflow rate and cutoff time changed and the performance of furrow irrigation significantly improved. By changing those decision variables, application efficacy and deep percolation performance indicators were significantly improved but distribution uniformity was not changed. In almost all statistical indices used, predicted performances by model were better than computed values in the existing situation. From the current result, it can be concluded that the inflow rate and cutoff time should be changed to attain good performance and increase furrow irrigation efficiency.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number21
JournalJournal of Engineering and Applied Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2022


  • Cutoff time
  • Furrow irrigation
  • Performance evaluation
  • Simulation
  • Water management
  • WinSRFR
  • Wonji Shoa Sugar Estate

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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