Penetrating Neck Trauma: a Review

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Purpose of Review: This review focuses on the management of penetrating neck trauma and its evolution over the last several decades. Recent Findings: Our increased experience with high-resolution computed tomography has changed the management of penetrating neck trauma from an anatomically zone-based approach to a “no zone” approach. Physical signs and symptoms of vascular, airway, and digestive track injuries still guide the basis of further radiographic and surgical workup. With the advancement and greater availability of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) technology, assessment of injuries has become easier and far more accurate. The hemodynamically stable patient may now be approached in a “no-zone” manner, and in certain cases managed safely with conservative measures. Summary: Wartime experience and improved technology played major roles in the evolution of penetrating neck injury management. Aggressive surgical exploration had given way to selective management based on anatomical neck zones, to most currently a “no zone” approach.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)12-18
Number of pages7
JournalCurrent Trauma Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 15 2019


  • Injury
  • Neck
  • No-zone
  • Penetrating
  • Review
  • Trauma

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  • Rehabilitation


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