Oxygen consumption rates of free and alginate-entrapped βtc3 mouse insulinoma cells

Nancy E. Mukundan, P. Christopher Flanders, Ioannis Constantinidis, Klearchos K. Papas, Athanassios Sambanis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Oxygen consumption rates of βTC3 mouse insulinoma cells were measured in three different cell culture systems: monolayer, freshly trypsinized cell suspension, and trypsinized cells entrapped in alginate-poly-L-lysine-alginate (APA) polymer beads. The oxygen consumption rate for cells in the APA beads was similar to the rate for freshly trypsinized cells, indicating that cells can be entrapped without affecting their oxygen consumption rate. The cells in monolayers consumed oxygen at a higher rate than freshly trypsinized cells or cells in APA beads, suggesting that trypsinization may lower oxygen consumption capability. In addition, the oxygen consumption of βTC3s during glucose-induced insulin secretion was not significantly different from the basal rate, in contrast to the increased oxygen demand of actively secreting islets. Our results suggest that βTC3s may be better suited than islets for use in a bioartificial pancreas due to their stable oxygen requirements.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)113-118
Number of pages6
JournalBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - May 5 1995
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biophysics
  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology


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