John C. Gille, James M. Russell, Paul L. Bailey, Frederick B. House, E. C. Flowers, R. A. McCormick, K. R. Kurfis, T. H. Bilton, William A. Sprigg, J. A. Garland, Douglas V. Hoyt, Gary A. Herbert, A. Manes, M. Rindsberger, D. Guetta

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Following is a continuation of the list of titles and authors: Measurement of Trace Stratospheric Gases by Inverting Thermal Infrared Limb Radiance Profiles. By John C. Gille, James M. Russell III, Paul L. Bailey and Frederick B. House. Atmospheric Turbidity Measurements with the Dual-Wavelength Sunphotometer. By E. C. Flowers, R. A. McCormick, K. R. Kurfis and T. H. Bilton. Estimation of Sulfur Dioxide and Soiling Index from Observed Solar Radiant Flux Density Attenuation. By William A. Sprigg. Integrating Nephelometer as an Instrument for Measuring the Scattering Coefficient of the Atmosphere and Its Use in Atmospheric Pollution Studies. By J. A. Garland. Ground-Based Measurements of Solar Radiation by Geophysical Monitoring for Climatic Change (U. S. A. ). By Douglas V. Hoyt and Gary A. Herbert. Determining of Long-Term Trends of Particulate Air Pollution from Visibility Data. By A. Manes, M. Rindsberger, D. Guetta and A. Teitelbaum.

Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Jan 1 2017
EventTech Conf on Obs and Meas of Atmos Pollut, Proc, Pap - Helsinki, Finl
Duration: Jul 30 1973Aug 4 1973


OtherTech Conf on Obs and Meas of Atmos Pollut, Proc, Pap
CityHelsinki, Finl

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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