Numerical investigation of GHz repetition rate fundamentally mode-locked all-fiber lasers

Yunxiu Ma, Xiushan Zhu, Luyun Yang, Minghong Tong, Robert A. Norwood, Huai Wei, Yingbo Chu, Haiqing Li, Nengli Dai, Jinggang Peng, Jinyan Li, Nasser Peyghambarian

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9 Scopus citations


GHz repetition rate fundamentally mode-locked lasers have attracted great interest for a variety of scientific and practical applications. A passively mode-locked laser in all-fiber format has the advantages of high stability, maintenance-free operation, super compactness, and reliability. In this paper, we present numerical investigation on passive mode-locking of all-fiber lasers operating at repetition rates of 1-20 GHz. Our calculations show that the reflectivity of the output coupler, the small signal gain of the doped fiber, the total net cavity dispersion, and the modulation depth of the saturable absorber are the key parameters for producing stable fundamentally mode-locked pulses at GHz repetition rates in very short all-fiber linear cavities. The instabilities of GHz repetition rate fundamentally mode-locked all-fiber lasers with different parameters were calculated and analyzed. Compared to a regular MHz repetition rate mode-locked all-fiber laser, the pump power range for the mode-locking of a GHz repetition rate all-fiber laser is much larger due to the several orders of magnitude lower accumulated nonlinearity in the fiber cavity. The presented numerical study provides valuable guidance for the design and development of highly stable mode-locked all-fiber lasers operating at GHz repetition rates.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)14487-14504
Number of pages18
JournalOptics Express
Issue number10
StatePublished - 2019

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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