Moral responsibility and alternative possibilities: Essays on the importance of alternative possibilities

David Widerker, Michael McKenna

Research output: Book/ReportBook

9 Scopus citations


This book explores an important issue within the free will debate: the relation between free will and moral responsibility. In his seminal article 'Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility', Harry Frankfurt launched a vigorous attack on the standard conception of that relation, questioning the claim that a person is morally responsible for what she has done only if she could have done otherwise. Since then, Frankfurt's thesis has been at the center of philosophical discussions on free will and moral responsibility. Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities, edited by David Widerker and Michael McKenna, draws together the most recent work on Frankfurt's thesis by leading theorists in the area of free will and responsibility. As the majority of the essays appear here for the first time, Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities offers the newest developments in this important debate.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherTaylor and Francis Inc.
Number of pages364
ISBN (Electronic)9781315248660
ISBN (Print)9781138425026
StatePublished - Sep 29 2017
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities


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