Minimum qualifications for clinical pharmacy practice faculty

Janet P. Engle, Brian L. Erstad, Douglas C. Anderson, Mason H. Bucklin, Alexandre Chan, Amy R. Donaldson, Tracy M. Hagemann, Mary Beth O'Connell, Philip T. Rodgers, Sarah Tennant, Zachariah Thomas

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


The American College of Clinical Pharmacy 2013 Educational Affairs Committee was charged with developing recommendations for the minimum qualifications required for clinical pharmacy practice faculty in United States colleges and schools of pharmacy with respect to education, postgraduate training, board certification, and other experiences. From a review of the literature, the committee recommends that clinical pharmacy practice faculty possess the following minimum qualifications, noting that, for some positions, additional qualifications may be necessary. Clinical pharmacy practice faculty should possess the Doctor of Pharmacy degree from an Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education-accredited institution. In addition, faculty should have completed a postgraduate year one (PGY1) residency or possess at least 3 years of direct patient care experience. Faculty who practice in identified areas of pharmacotherapy specialization, as identified by American Society of Health-System Pharmacists postgraduate year two (PGY2) residency guidelines, should have completed a PGY2 residency in that area of specialty practice. Alternatively, faculty should have completed a minimum of a PGY1 residency and 1 additional year of practice, with at least 50% of time spent in their area of specialization, which is documented in a portfolio, or 4 years of direct patient care in their area of specialization, which is documented in a portfolio. Fellowship training or a graduate degree (e.g., Ph.D.) should be required for research-intensive clinical faculty positions. All faculty should obtain structured teaching experience during or after postgraduate training, preferably through a formal teaching certificate program or through activities documented in a teaching portfolio. A baseline record of scholarship should be obtained before hire as clinical pharmacy practice faculty through exposure in postgraduate programs or previous employment. Faculty should be board certified before hire or attain board certification within 2 years of hire through the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) or, if appropriate for the practice area, through a nonBPS-certifying agency. If no certification exists in the area of specialty, the faculty member should develop a portfolio with evidence of excellence in clinical practice, teaching, and scholarship.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)e38-e44
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • board certification
  • fellowship training
  • pharmacy education
  • pharmacy faculty qualifications
  • residency training

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pharmacology (medical)


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