Microwave measurements of 14N and D quadrupole coupling for (Z)-2-hydroxypyridine and 2-pyridone tautomers

Chakree Tanjaroon, Ranga Subramanian, Chandana Karunatilaka, Stephen G. Kukolich

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Rotational spectra for the two tautomers (Z)-2-hydroxypyridine and 2-pyridone and their deuterated isotopomers were measured in the microwave range between 4 and 14 GHz using a pulsed beam Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. Nitrogen and deuterium quadrupole hyperfine structure was completely resolved for many of the observed transitions, and the measured 14N quadrupole coupling tensors are quite different for these two tautomers. The eQq cc(N) values have opposite signs. The 14N quadrupole coupling strengths for (Z)-2-hydroxypyridine in the principal inertial axis system are as follows: eQq aa(N) = -0.076(11), eQq bb(N) = -2.283(6), and eQq cc(N) = 2.359(6) MHz. The 14N and D nuclear quadrupole coupling strengths for (Z)-2-deuteriohydroxypyridine in the principal inertial axis are eQq aa(N) = -0.1465(4), eQq bb(N) = -2.2045-(4), and eQq cc(N) = 2.3510(4) MHz and eQq aa(D) = -0.0250(9), eQq bb(D) = 0.1699(4), and eQq ccD) = -0.1449(4) MHz. The 14N quadrupole coupling strengths for 2-pyridone in the principal inertial axis system are eQq aa(N) = 1.496(4), eQq bb(N) = 1.269(4), and eQq cc(N) = -2.765(4) MHz. The 14N and D nuclear quadrupole coupling strengths for 1-deuterio-2-pyridone in the principal inertial axis system are as follows: eQq aa(N) = 1.511(2), eQq bb(N) = 1.249(5), and eQq cc(N) = -2.759(5) MHz and eQq aa(D) = -0.110(7), eQq bb(D) = 0.354(6), and eQq cc(D) = -0.244(6) MHz. New, improved, experimental rotational constants were obtained for the H and D isotopomers of both tautomers. Kraitchman analysis indicates the "tautomeric" hydrogen atom is at a distance of 2.653(2) A in 2-hydroxypyridine and a distance of 2.124(1) Å in 2-pyridone from the centers of mass of the two tautomers, respectively. The DFT calculated eQq(N) values for both the tautomers and the deuterated tautomers are in good agreement with the present experimental values. The Townes-Dailey model has been used to analyze the new quadrupole coupling data of the tautomers and the results are presented in terms of nitrogen atom p-orbital occupation numbers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)9531-9539
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry A
Issue number44
StatePublished - Nov 4 2004

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry


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