Metoda datowania kosmogenicznym izotopem 36Cl - Nowe dane do chronologii Glacjalnej Tatr Wysokich

Translated title of the contribution: The method of dating by cosmogenic 36Cl - New data in glacial chronology of the High Tatra Mts.

Jan Dzierzek, Jerzy Nitychoruk, Grazyna Zreda-Gostyńska, Marek Zreda

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


The cosmogenic 36Cl method of dating of Quaternary deposits and the first results of dating of moraines in selected regions of the Polish Tatra Mts. are presented. The method is based on measuring the concentration of 36Cl that is produced and accumulated in rocks exposed to cosmic rays. The concentration of 36Cl in the rock depends on the production rate, decay constant and the time of exposure. Due to the long half-life of 36Cl (301,000 yr), the method can be used to determine ages of landforms and sediments in the age range from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand years. Thirty seven samples from glacial deposits and landforms have been dated and the results are presented in paleogeographical context. The obtained dates show that these glacial features are of Vistulian and Holocene age (21-6.5 ky). The oldest moraines (21-15.3 ky) are in the vicinity of Brzeziny, and the youngest (9.9-7.3 ka) are near Morskie Oko Lake. These results of 36Cl dating are an important contribution to the discussion of glacial chronology of this mountain range.

Translated title of the contributionThe method of dating by cosmogenic 36Cl - New data in glacial chronology of the High Tatra Mts.
Original languagePolish
Pages (from-to)987-992
Number of pages6
JournalPrzeglad Geologiczny
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 1999


  • Chronostratigraphy
  • Cosmogenic Cl
  • Dating
  • Pleistocene
  • Tatra Mts.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Atmospheric Science


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