Measurements of direct [Formula Presented] violation, [Formula Presented] symmetry, and other parameters in the neutral kaon system

A. Alavi-Harati, T. Alexopoulos, M. Arenton, K. Arisaka, S. Averitte, R. F. Barbosa, A. R. Barker, M. Barrio, L. Bellantoni, A. Bellavance, J. Belz, D. R. Bergman, E. Blucher, G. J. Bock, C. Bown, S. Bright, E. Cheu, S. Childress, R. Coleman, M. D. CorcoranG. Corti, B. Cox, A. R. Erwin, R. Ford, A. Glazov, A. Golossanov, G. Graham, J. Graham, E. Halkiadakis, J. Hamm, K. Hanagaki, Y. B. Hsiung, V. Jejer, D. A. Jensen, R. Kessler, H. G.E. Kobrak, J. LaDue, A. Lath, A. Ledovskoy, P. L. McBride, P. Mikelsons, E. Monnier, T. Nakaya, K. S. Nelson, H. Nguyen, V. O’Dell, M. Pang, R. Pordes, V. Prasad, X. R. Qi, B. Quinn, E. J. Ramberg, R. E. Ray, A. Roodman, S. Schnetzer, K. Senyo, P. Shanahan, P. S. Shawhan, J. Shields, W. Slater, N. Solomey, S. V. Somalwar, R. L. Stone, E. C. Swallow, S. A. Taegar, R. J. Tesarek, G. B. Thomson, P. A. Toale, A. Tripathi, R. Tschirhart, S. E. Turner, Y. W. Wah, J. Wang, H. B. White, J. Whitmore, B. Winstein, R. Winston, T. Yamanaka, E. D. Zimmerman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


We present a series of measurements based on (Formula presented) and (Formula presented) decays collected in 1996–1997 by the (Formula presented) experiment (E832) at Fermilab. We compare these four (Formula presented) decay rates to measure the direct (Formula presented) violation parameter (Formula presented) We also test (Formula presented) symmetry by measuring the relative phase between the (Formula presented) violating and (Formula presented) conserving decay amplitudes for (Formula presented) (Formula presented) and for (Formula presented) (Formula presented) We find the difference between the relative phases to be (Formula presented) and the deviation of (Formula presented) from the superweak phase to be (Formula presented) both results are consistent with (Formula presented) symmetry. In addition, we present new measurements of the (Formula presented)-(Formula presented) mass difference and (Formula presented) lifetime: (Formula presented) and (Formula presented)

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 27 2003

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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