Linking Extragalactic Transients and Their Host Galaxy Properties: Transient Sample, Multiwavelength Host Identification, and Database Construction

Yu Jing Qin, Ann Zabludoff, Marina Kisley, Yuantian Liu, Iair Arcavi, Kobus Barnard, Peter Behroozi, K. Decker French, Curtis McCully, Nirav Merchant

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Understanding the preferences of transient types for host galaxies with certain characteristics is key to studies of transient physics and galaxy evolution, as well as to transient identification and classification in the LSST era. Here we describe a value-added database of extragalactic transients - supernovae, tidal disruption events, gamma-ray bursts, and other rare events - and their host galaxy properties. Based on reported coordinates, redshifts, and host galaxies (if known) of events, we cross-identify their host galaxies or most likely host candidates in various value-added or survey catalogs, and compile the existing photometric, spectroscopic, and derived physical properties of the host galaxies in these catalogs. This new database covers photometric measurements from the far-ultraviolet to mid-infrared. Spectroscopic measurements and derived physical properties are also available for a smaller subset of hosts. For our 36,333 unique events, we have cross-identified 13,753 host galaxies using host names, plus 4480 using host coordinates. Besides those with known hosts, there are 18,100 transients with newly identified host candidates. This large database will allow explorations of the connections of transients to their hosts, including a path toward transient alert filtering and probabilistic classification based on host properties.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number13
JournalAstrophysical Journal, Supplement Series
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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