Linkage of prostate cancer susceptibility loci to chromosome 1

J. Xu, S. L. Zheng, B. L. Chang, J. R. Smith, J. D. Carpten, O. C. Stine, S. D. Isaacs, K. E. Wiley, L. Henning, C. Ewing, P. Bujnovszky, E. R. Bleeker, P. C. Walsh, J. M. Trent, D. A. Meyers, W. B. Isaacs

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73 Scopus citations


Three prostate cancer susceptibility genes have been reported to be linked to different regions on chromosome 1: HPC1 at 1q24-25, PCAP at 1q42-43, and CAPB at 1p36. Replication studies analyzing each of these regions have yielded inconsistent results. To evaluate linkage across this chromosome systematically, we performed multipoint linkage analyses with 50 microsatellite markers spanning chromosome 1 in 159 hereditary prostate cancer families (HPC), including 79 families analyzed in the original report describing HPC1 linkage. The highest lod scores for the complete dataset of 159 families were observed at 1q24-25 at which the parametric lod score assuming heterogeneity (hlod) was 2.54 (P=0.0006) with an allele sharing lod of 2.34 (P=0.001) at marker D1S413, although only weak evidence was observed in the 80 families not previously analyzed for this region (hlod=0.44, P=0.14, and allele sharing lod=0.67, P=0.08). In the complete data set, the evidence for linkage across this region was very broad, with allele sharing lod scores greater than 0.5 extending approximately 100 cM from 1p13 to 1q32, possibly indicating the presence of multiple susceptibility genes. Elsewhere on chromosome 1, some evidence of linkage was observed at 1q42-43, with a peak allele sharing lod of 0.56 (P=0.11) and hlod of 0.24 (P=0.25) at D1S235. For analysis of the CAPB locus at 1p36, we focused on six HPC families in our collection with a history of primary brain cancer, four of these families had positive linkage results at 1p36, with a peak allele sharing lod of 0.61 (P=0.09) and hlod of 0.39 (P=0.16) at D1S407 in all six families. These results are consistent with the heterogeneous nature of hereditary prostate cancer, and the existence of multiple loci on chromosome 1 for this disease.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)335-345
Number of pages11
JournalHuman Genetics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics
  • Genetics(clinical)


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