Lifestyle in heart health and disease

Ronald Ross Watson, Sherma Zibadi

Research output: Book/ReportBook

1 Scopus citations


Lifestyle and Heart Health and Disease provides a comprehensive evaluation of lifestyle factors that modify heart function and structure. It includes coverage of a wide range of lifestyle factors, including physical activity, alcohol, tobacco, drugs of abuse, nutrition and psychosocial factors. The book clearly presents the scientific evaluation of published research relating to general responses by scientists, physicians and patients, along with new research on the role of lifestyle in the prevention, amelioration and causation of cardiac remodeling and disease.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages317
ISBN (Electronic)9780128112793
ISBN (Print)9780128112809
StatePublished - Jan 1 2018

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Health Professions
  • General Medicine


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