K-shell spectroscopy of an independently diagnosed uniaxially expanding laser-produced aluminum plasma

D. M. Chambers, P. A. Pinto, J. Hawreliak, I. R. Al’Miev, A. Gouveia, P. Sondhauss, E. Wolfrum, J. S. Wark, S. H. Glenzer, R. W. Lee, P. E. Young, O. Renner, R. S. Marjoribanks, S. Topping

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


We present detailed spectroscopic analysis of the primary K-shell emission lines from a uniaxially expanding laser-produced hydrogenic and heliumlike aluminum plasma. The spectroscopic measurements are found to be consistent with time-dependent hydrodynamic properties of the plasma, measured using Thomson scattering and shadowgraphy. The K-shell population kinetics code FLY with the measured hydrodynamic parameters is used to generate spectra that are compared to the experimental spectra. Excellent agreement is found between the measured and calculated spectra for a variety of experimental target widths employed to produce plasmas with different optical depths. The peak emission from the hydrogenic Lyman series is determined to be from a temporal and spatial region where the hydrodynamic parameters are essentially constant. This allows a single steady-state solution of FLY to be used to deduce the electron temperature and density, from the measured line ratios and linewidths, for comparison with the Thomson and shadowgraphy data. These measurements are found to agree well with time-dependent calculations, and provide further validation for the FLY calculations of the ionization and excitation balance for a K-shell aluminum plasma. We also discuss the possible application of this data as a benchmark for hydrodynamic simulations and ionization/excitation balance calculations.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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