High-harmonic generation from a subwavelength dielectric resonator

Anastasiia Zalogina, Luca Carletti, Anton Rudenko, Jerome V. Moloney, Aditya Tripathi, Hoo Cheol Lee, Ilya Shadrivov, Hong Gyu Park, Yuri Kivshar, Sergey S. Kruk

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Higher-order optical harmonics entered the realm of nanostructured solids being observed recently in optical gratings and metasurfaces with a subwavelength thickness. Structuring materials at the subwavelength scale allows us toresonantly enhance the efficiency of nonlinear processes and reduce the size of high-harmonic sources. We report the observation of up to a seventh harmonic generated from a single subwavelength resonator made of AlGaAs material. This process is enabled by careful engineering of the resonator geometry for supporting an optical mode associated with a quasi-bound state in the continuum in the mid-infrared spectral range at around λ = 3.7 μm pump wavelength. The resonator volume measures ~0.1 λ3. The resonant modes are excited with an azimuthally polarized tightly focused beam. We evaluate the contributions of perturbative and nonperturbative nonlinearities to the harmonic generation process. Our work proves the possibility to miniaturize solid-state sources of high harmonics to the subwavelength volumes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbereadg2655
JournalScience Advances
Issue number17
StatePublished - Apr 2023

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