Family Communication, Third Edition

Chris Segrin, Jeanne Flora

Research output: Book/ReportBook

11 Scopus citations


This third edition of Family Communication carefully examines state-of-the art research and theories of family communication and family relationships. In addition to presenting contemporary cutting-edge research, it also includes extensive presentation and application of classic theories and findings in family science that have informed current day understandings of essential family processes. With over 2,500 references, 800 of which are new to this edition, Family Communication represents a current and comprehensive presentation of principled research conducted throughout the world for both students and teachers of family communication. Professionals who work with families and seek an evidence-based understanding of functional and dysfunctional family processes will also find this text useful. The third edition provides instructors and students with a rich set of resources including: Chapter Specific Resource Guides (chapter outlines, guiding questions, multiple choice, essay, and discussion questions, as well as numerous media resources and links) Chapter Specific PowerPoint Slides Sample Syllabus This edition addresses long-standing questions (e.g., how to maintain a marriage, how to build resiliency in remarriages and stepfamilies) and prioritizes research on a variety of family relationships beyond the couple and parent–child relationship, while also exploring new research on romantic relationship pathways, same-sex marriage and divorce, parenting trends, as well as military families, adoptive families, and families with a transgender member. It also examines the complex relationship between family communication and mental health as well as powerful and potentially surprising findings on the connections between family interaction and physical health.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherTaylor and Francis
Number of pages586
ISBN (Electronic)9781351132589
ISBN (Print)9780815354529
StatePublished - Jan 1 2018

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities
  • General Social Sciences


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