Eddy correlation measurements of energy partition for Amazonian forest

W. James Shuttleworth, John H.C. Gash, Colin R. Lloyd, Christopher J. Moore, John Roberts, Ari De O.Marques Filho, Gilberto Fisch, Vicente De Paula Silva Filho, Maria De Nazaré Góes Ribeiro, Luiz C.B. Molion, Leonardo D. De Abreu Sá, J. Carlos A. Nobre, Osvaldo M.R. Cabral, Sukaran R. Patel, J. Carvalho De Moraes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

248 Scopus citations


Measurements of energy partition for Amazonian forest made with novel eddy correlation equipment are presented for eight dry days in September 1983. These are interpreted to provide estimates of the aerodynamic and surface resistance for this vegetation type. Daily total evaporation for a transpiring canopy accounts for 70% of the available radiant energy, and is two thirds of conventional estimates of potential evaporation. The results are used to provide an initial calibration of a simple, physically based model of daily evaporation for Amazonian rain forest.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1143-1162
Number of pages20
JournalQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Issue number466
StatePublished - Oct 1984
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atmospheric Science


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