Dual-wavelength external cavity laser with a sampled grating formed in a silica PLC waveguide for terahertz beat signal generation

K. S. Lee, C. S. Kim, R. K. Kim, G. Patterson, M. Kolesik, J. V. Moloney, N. Peyghambarian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


We propose and demonstrate a dual-wavelength external cavity laser (ECL). In our design, a Fabry-Pérot laser diode (FP-LD) is hybrid-integrated with a sampled Bragg grating written in a silica planar lightwave circuit (PLC). The grating selects two laser wavelengths that share the same laser cavity. The dual-wavelength oscillation with a side mode suppression ratio >32 dB has been demonstrated experimentally. Experimental results indicate that the hybrid-integrated dual-wavelength ECL exhibits strong dual-wavelength emission corresponding to beat frequency of 1 THz. Simulations of this system also indicate good mutual coherence of the two modes and stability of the 1 THz beat signal.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)293-296
Number of pages4
JournalApplied Physics B: Lasers and Optics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2007

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
  • General Physics and Astronomy


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