Dedicated Cone-Beam Breast CT: Reproducibility of Volumetric Glandular Fraction with Advanced Image Reconstruction Methods

Srinivasan Vedantham, Hsin Wu Tseng, Zhiyang Fu, Hsiao Hui Sherry Chow

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Dedicated cone-beam breast computed tomography (CBBCT) is an emerging modality and provides fully three-dimensional (3D) images of the uncompressed breast at an isotropic voxel resolution. In an effort to translate this modality to breast cancer screening, advanced image reconstruction methods are being pursued. Since radiographic breast density is an established risk factor for breast cancer and CBBCT provides volumetric data, this study investigates the reproducibility of the volumetric glandular fraction (VGF), defined as the proportion of fibroglandular tissue volume relative to the total breast volume excluding the skin. Four image reconstruction methods were investigated: the analytical Feldkamp–Davis–Kress (FDK), a compressed sensing-based fast, regularized, iterative statistical technique (FRIST), a fully supervised deep learning approach using a multi-scale residual dense network (MS-RDN), and a self-supervised approach based on Noise-to-Noise (N2N) learning. Projection datasets from 106 women who participated in a prior clinical trial were reconstructed using each of these algorithms at a fixed isotropic voxel size of (0.273 mm3). Each reconstructed breast volume was segmented into skin, adipose, and fibroglandular tissues, and the VGF was computed. The VGF did not differ among the four reconstruction methods (p = 0.167), and none of the three advanced image reconstruction algorithms differed from the standard FDK reconstruction (p > 0.862). Advanced reconstruction algorithms developed for low-dose CBBCT reproduce the VGF to provide quantitative breast density, which can be used for risk estimation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2039-2051
Number of pages13
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2023


  • artificial intelligence
  • breast cancer
  • breast CT
  • breast density
  • deep learning
  • screening

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging


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