Dante’s tenzone with forese Donati: The reprehension of vice

Research output: Book/ReportBook

13 Scopus citations


‘And by now, mind, it’s too late to redeem your debts by giving up guzzling.’ Dante's poetic correspondence (or tenzone) with Forese Donati, a relative of his wife, was rife with crude insults: the two men derided one another on topics ranging from sexual dysfunction and cowardice to poverty and thievery. But in his Commedia, rather than denying this correspondence, Dante repeatedly acknowledged and evoked the memory of his youthful put-downs. Dante's Tenzone with Forese Donati examines the lasting impact of these sonnets on Dante's writings and Italian literary culture, notably in the work of Giovanni Boccaccio. Fabian Alfie expands on derision as an ethical dimension of medieval literature, both facilitating the reprehension of vice and encouraging ongoing debates about the true nature of nobility. Outlining a broad perspective on the uses of literary insult, Dante's Tenzonewith Forese Donati also provides an evocative glimpse of Dante's day-to-day life in the twelfth century.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherUniversity of Toronto Press
Number of pages214
ISBN (Electronic)9781442663619
ISBN (Print)9781442642232
StatePublished - Jan 1 2011

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities


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