Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies

Elcio Abdalla, Guillermo Franco Abellán, Amin Aboubrahim, Adriano Agnello, Özgür Akarsu, Yashar Akrami, George Alestas, Daniel Aloni, Luca Amendola, Luis A. Anchordoqui, Richard I. Anderson, Nikki Arendse, Marika Asgari, Mario Ballardini, Vernon Barger, Spyros Basilakos, Ronaldo C. Batista, Elia S. Battistelli, Richard Battye, Micol BenettiDavid Benisty, Asher Berlin, Paolo de Bernardis, Emanuele Berti, Bohdan Bidenko, Simon Birrer, John P. Blakeslee, Kimberly K. Boddy, Clecio R. Bom, Alexander Bonilla, Nicola Borghi, François R. Bouchet, Matteo Braglia, Thomas Buchert, Elizabeth Buckley-Geer, Erminia Calabrese, Robert R. Caldwell, David Camarena, Salvatore Capozziello, Stefano Casertano, Geoff C.F. Chen, Jens Chluba, Angela Chen, Hsin Yu Chen, Anton Chudaykin, Michele Cicoli, Craig J. Copi, Fred Courbin, Francis Yan Cyr-Racine, Bożena Czerny, Maria Dainotti, Guido D'Amico, Anne Christine Davis, Javier de Cruz Pérez, Jaume de Haro, Jacques Delabrouille, Peter B. Denton, Suhail Dhawan, Keith R. Dienes, Eleonora Di Valentino, Pu Du, Dominique Eckert, Celia Escamilla-Rivera, Agnès Ferté, Fabio Finelli, Pablo Fosalba, Wendy L. Freedman, Noemi Frusciante, Enrique Gaztañaga, William Giarè, Elena Giusarma, Adrià Gómez-Valent, Will Handley, Ian Harrison, Luke Hart, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Alan Heavens, Asta Heinesen, Hendrik Hildebrandt, J. Colin Hill, Natalie B. Hogg, Daniel E. Holz, Deanna C. Hooper, Nikoo Hosseininejad, Dragan Huterer, Mustapha Ishak, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Andrew H. Jaffe, In Sung Jang, Karsten Jedamzik, Raul Jimenez, Melissa Joseph, Shahab Joudaki, Marc Kamionkowski, Tanvi Karwal, Lavrentios Kazantzidis, Ryan E. Keeley, Michael Klasen, Eiichiro Komatsu, Léon V.E. Koopmans, Suresh Kumar, Luca Lamagna, Ruth Lazkoz, Chung Chi Lee, Julien Lesgourgues, Jackson Levi Said, Tiffany R. Lewis, Benjamin L'Huillier, Matteo Lucca, Roy Maartens, Lucas M. Macri, Danny Marfatia, Valerio Marra, Carlos J.A.P. Martins, Silvia Masi, Sabino Matarrese, Arindam Mazumdar, Alessandro Melchiorri, Olga Mena, Laura Mersini-Houghton, James Mertens, Dinko Milaković, Yuto Minami, Vivian Miranda, Cristian Moreno-Pulido, Michele Moresco, David F. Mota, Emil Mottola, Simone Mozzon, Jessica Muir, Ankan Mukherjee, Suvodip Mukherjee, Pavel Naselsky, Pran Nath, Savvas Nesseris, Florian Niedermann, Alessio Notari, Rafael C. Nunes, Eoin Ó Colgáin, Kayla A. Owens, Emre Özülker, Francesco Pace, Andronikos Paliathanasis, Antonella Palmese, Supriya Pan, Daniela Paoletti, Santiago E. Perez Bergliaffa, Leandros Perivolaropoulos, Dominic W. Pesce, Valeria Pettorino, Oliver H.E. Philcox, Levon Pogosian, Vivian Poulin, Gaspard Poulot, Marco Raveri, Mark J. Reid, Fabrizio Renzi, Adam G. Riess, Vivian I. Sabla, Paolo Salucci, Vincenzo Salzano, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, Bangalore S. Sathyaprakash, Martin Schmaltz, Nils Schöneberg, Dan Scolnic, Anjan A. Sen, Neelima Sehgal, Arman Shafieloo, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Joseph Silk, Alessandra Silvestri, Foteini Skara, Martin S. Sloth, Marcelle Soares-Santos, Joan Solà Peracaula, Yu Yang Songsheng, Jorge F. Soriano, Denitsa Staicova, Glenn D. Starkman, István Szapudi, Elsa M. Teixeira, Brooks Thomas, Tommaso Treu, Emery Trott, Carsten van de Bruck, J. Alberto Vazquez, Licia Verde, Luca Visinelli, Deng Wang, Jian Min Wang, Shao Jiang Wang, Richard Watkins, Scott Watson, John K. Webb, Neal Weiner, Amanda Weltman, Samuel J. Witte, Radosław Wojtak, Anil Kumar Yadav, Weiqiang Yang, Gong Bo Zhao, Miguel Zumalacárregui

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

712 Scopus citations


The standard Λ Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) cosmological model provides a good description of a wide range of astrophysical and cosmological data. However, there are a few big open questions that make the standard model look like an approximation to a more realistic scenario yet to be found. In this paper, we list a few important goals that need to be addressed in the next decade, taking into account the current discordances between the different cosmological probes, such as the disagreement in the value of the Hubble constant H0, the σ8–S8 tension, and other less statistically significant anomalies. While these discordances can still be in part the result of systematic errors, their persistence after several years of accurate analysis strongly hints at cracks in the standard cosmological scenario and the necessity for new physics or generalisations beyond the standard model. In this paper, we focus on the 5.0σ tension between the Planck CMB estimate of the Hubble constant H0 and the SH0ES collaboration measurements. After showing the H0 evaluations made from different teams using different methods and geometric calibrations, we list a few interesting new physics models that could alleviate this tension and discuss how the next decade's experiments will be crucial. Moreover, we focus on the tension of the Planck CMB data with weak lensing measurements and redshift surveys, about the value of the matter energy density Ωm, and the amplitude or rate of the growth of structure (σ8,fσ8). We list a few interesting models proposed for alleviating this tension, and we discuss the importance of trying to fit a full array of data with a single model and not just one parameter at a time. Additionally, we present a wide range of other less discussed anomalies at a statistical significance level lower than the H0–S8 tensions which may also constitute hints towards new physics, and we discuss possible generic theoretical approaches that can collectively explain the non-standard nature of these signals. Finally, we give an overview of upgraded experiments and next-generation space missions and facilities on Earth that will be of crucial importance to address all these open questions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)49-211
Number of pages163
JournalJournal of High Energy Astrophysics
StatePublished - Jun 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics


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