Clinical practice guidelines for resuscitation in acute care hospitals

T. A. Barnes, T. P. Aufderheide, Mathews, Hamill, Rubenfeld, H. R. Halperin, A. B. Sanders, M. J. Bishop, R. R. Fluck, P. E. Pepe, Kaye, Malinowski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The development of the AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC and the AARC RACH Clinical Practice Guideline should both be instrumental in improving the performance of RCPs on in-hospital resuscitation teams. The AARC and AHA are assuming important leadership roles in this movement by publishing CPGs for CPR and ECC. RCPs with ACLS training are in a prime position to assume more responsibility on resuscitation teams within acute care facilities. They should be prominent members of the resuscitation team-committed to the entire team's performance-and be actively involved in ACLS training. The first step in that process is to study the current levels of RCP competence in ACLS. Further, RCPs and health-care providers should define the goals of resuscitation in terms of long-term survival, quality of life, and years of useful life after CPR. The cost of inadequate attention to which patients should have DNR orders is a drain on the entire health-care system. Research on the impact of disease categories on CPR outcome should be used to educate physicians, nurses, and RCPs so they can help patients better understand their chances of regaining their pre-CPR quality of life. Successful CPR outcome should be carefully defined using the patients disease category. Each patient should be individually evaluated for DNR orders. As suggested by Schwenzer, 'Patients' perception of their quality of life before and after CPR should guide their and our decisions.' However, we must all accept the responsibility for defining the limitations of medical technology and try to determine when CPR is futile.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)346-363
Number of pages18
JournalRespiratory care
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1995
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine
  • Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine


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