Associations of Ki-ras proto-oncogene mutation and p53 gene overexpression in sporadic colorectal adenomas with demographic and clinicopathologic characteristics

Janine G. Einspahr, Maria Elena Martinez, Ruiyun Jiang, Chiu Hsieh Hsu, Achyut K. Bhattacharrya, Dennis J. Ahnen, Elizabeth T. Jacobs, P. Scott Houlihan, C. Renee Webb, David S. Alberts, Stanley R. Hamilton

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35 Scopus citations


In colorectal tumorigenesis, Ki-ras proto-oncogene mutation often occurs early in the adenoma-adenocarcinoma sequence, whereas mutation of the p53 gene is associated with late progression to carcinoma. We evaluated the relationship of demographic and clinicopathologic characteristics to Ki-ras mutation and p53 gene product overexpression in 1,093 baseline sporadic colorectal adenomas from 926 individuals enrolled in a phase III recurrence prevention trial. Ki-ras mutation was found in 14.7% of individuals and p53 overexpression was found in 7.0% of those tested. Multivariate analysis found older age, rectal location, and villous histology to be independently associated with Ki-ras mutation. Individuals with an advanced adenoma (≥1 cm or high-grade dysplasia or villous histology) had a 4-fold higher likelihood of Ki-ras mutation [odds ratios (OR), 3.96; 95% confidence intervals (CI), 2.54-6.18]. Ki-ras mutations in codon 12 and of the G-to-A transition type were more frequent in older individuals, whereas G-to-T transversion was more frequent in rectal adenomas than in the colon. Multivariate analysis showed that previous history of a polyp (P = 0.03) was inversely associated with p53 overexpression. Large adenoma size (≥1 cm), high-grade dysplasia, and villous histology were independently associated with p53 overexpression, with the strongest association for advanced adenomas (OR, 7.20; 95% CI, 3.01-17.22). Individuals with a Ki-ras mutated adenoma were more likely to overexpress p53 (OR, 2.46; 95% CI, 1.36-4.46), and 94.8% of adenomas with both alterations were classified as advanced (P ≤ 0.0001). Our large cross-sectional study supports the role of both Ki-ras and p53 in the progression of adenomas and shows that their molecular pathogenesis differs by anatomic location, age, and mucosal predisposition as evidenced by previous history of a polyp.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1443-1450
Number of pages8
JournalCancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2006

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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