Active fault systems in the inner northwest apennines, italy: A reappraisal one century after the 1920 mw ~6.5 fivizzano earthquake

Giancarlo Molli, Isabelle Manighetti, Rick Bennett, Jacques Malavieille, Enrico Serpelloni, Fabrizio Storti, Tiziano Giampietro, Aurelien Bigot, Gabriele Pinelli, Serena Giacomelli, Alessio Lucca, Luca Angeli, Lorenzo Porta

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Based on the review of the available stratigraphic, tectonic, morphological, geodetic, and seismological data, along with new structural observations, we present a reappraisal of the potential seismogenic faults and fault systems in the inner northwest Apennines, Italy, which was the site, one century ago, of the devastating Mw ~6.5, 1920 Fivizzano earthquake. Our updated fault catalog provides the fault locations, as well as the description of their architecture, large-scale segmentation, cumulative displacements, evidence for recent to present activity, and long-term slip rates. Our work documents that a dense network of active faults, and thus potential earthquake fault sources, exists in the region. We discuss the seismogenic potential of these faults, and propose a general tectonic scenario that might account for their development.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number139
JournalGeosciences (Switzerland)
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2021


  • Active faults
  • Current deformation
  • Earthquakes
  • Inner northwest Apennines
  • Satellite geodesy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences


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