A possible tektite strewn field in the Argentinian Pampa

P. A. Bland, C. R. De Souza Filho, A. J.T. Jull, S. P. Kelley, R. M. Hough, N. A. Artemieva, E. Pierazzo, J. Coniglio, L. Pinotti, V. Evers, A. T. Kearsley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Impact glass associated with 11 elongate depressions in the Pampean Plain of Argentina, north of the city of Rio Cuarto, was suggested to be proximal ejecta related to a highly oblique impact event. We have identified about 400 additional elongate features in the area that indicate an aeolian, rather than an impact, origin. We have also dated fragments of glass found at the Rio Cuarto depressions; the age is similar to that of glass recovered 800 kilometers to the southeast. This material may be tektite glass from an impact event around 0.48 million years ago, representing a new tektite strewn field.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1109-1111
Number of pages3
Issue number5570
StatePublished - May 10 2002
Externally publishedYes

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