A complex earthquake sequence captured by the continuous GPS network in SW Iceland

S. Hreinsdóttir, T. Árnadóttir, J. Decriem, H. Geirsson, A. Tryggvason, R. A. Bennett, P. Lafemina

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37 Scopus citations


A complex sequence of earthquakes struck the western part of the South Iceland Scismic Zone (SISZ) on 29 May 2008. The sequence initiated with a M w6.3 (NEIC) earthquake in the western part of the SISZ. Aftershocks from the earthquake delineate two parallel N-S trending structures 4 km apart, in addition to activity along an E-W zone further westward. Continuous GPS measurements can best be explained by right-lateral strike-slip motion on two parallel N-S trending faults, with little slip occurring on other structures illuminated by earthquake activity. We estimate a total moment release of M w6.2, with Mw6.1 on the first rupture and Mw6.0 on the second rupture. High rate ( 1 Hz) CGPS data from a near-field station suggest that the main asperity on the Kross fault ruptured within 3 s of the initial mainshock on the Ingólfsfjall fault.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberL12309
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number12
StatePublished - Jun 2009

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences


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