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Genetics at the Interface of Lipid and Glycemic Traits
Klimentidis, Y. C. (PI)
Project: Research project
Whole-Genome Prediction of Type-2 Diabetes Susceptibility in Various Populations
Klimentidis, Y. C. (PI)
Project: Research project
Inactivity, sedentary behavior, and the risk for Alzheimer’s disease in middle aged to older adults
Klimentidis, Y. C. (CoPI), Raichlen, D. A. (PI) & Alexander, G. E. (CoPI)
Project: Research project
Genetics at the Interface of Lipid and Glycemic Traits
Klimentidis, Y. C. (PI)
Project: Research project
Whole-Genome Prediction of Type-2 Diabetes Susceptibility in Various Populations
Klimentidis, Y. C. (PI)
9/1/12 → 6/30/16
Project: Research project