F. John Meaney
- University of Arizona
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- The Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology
- Genetics and Developmental Pediatrics
External person
Marlene P. Freeman
- University of Arizona
- Harvard University
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Women's Mental Health Center
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Perinatal and Reproductive Psychiatry Program
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Psychiatry
External person
Lee Sechrest
- Neurology and Psychology
- Florida State U
- University of Arizona
- Departments of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychology
- Florida State University
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- University of Arizona
External person
Paul E. Nolan
- University of Arizona
- VA Medical Center
- Department of Pharmacy Practice
- Department of Pharmacy
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- East Tennessee State University
- Cardiology Section
- Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Knoll Pharmaceuticals
- College of Pharmacy
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Section of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine
External person
Daniel E. Shapiro
- University of Arizona
- Pennsylvania State University Hershey
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Medicine (Integrative Medicine)
- Pennsylvania State University
- Humanities Department
- Department of Psychology
- University of Arizona
External person
Leslie L. Barton
- University of Arizona
- Stanford University
- Pediatrics/3403
- Department of Pediatrics
- Univ. of Arizona Hlth. Sci. Center
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Joy A. Weydert
- University of Arizona
- Department of Pediatrics
- University of Kansas
- University of Kansas
- University of Kansas
External person
Hugh Miller
- University of Arizona
- University of Washington
- Watching over Mothers and Babies Foundation
- Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Tucson Perinatal Services
- Department of Obstetics and Gynecology
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- UW Medical School
- Watching Over Mothers & Babies Foundation
External person
Thomas M. Ball
- University of Arizona
- Thomas-Davis Medical Centers
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Division of Trauma
External person
Katherine L. Wisner
- University of Pittsburgh
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Department of Psychiatry
External person
Susan Apkon
- Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center Seattle
- University of Washington
- Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Seattle Children's Hospital
External person
P. Whalen
- University of Arizona
- Program in Applied Mathematics
- Mathematics Department
- Arizona Center for Mathematical Sciences
- University of Arizona
External person
Julie Haynes
External person
Katherine Worden
- Midwestern University Glendale
- University of Arizona
- Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
External person
G. A. Ewy
- University of Arizona
- Department of Medicine
- Neurology and Psychology
- Longmont United Hospital
- Purdue University
- University of Chicago
- Department of Internal Medicine
- University of the Arizona Sarver
- Duke University
- VA Medical Center
- East Tennessee State University
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Section of Cardiology
- Cardiology
- Department of Medicine
- Sarver Heart Center
- Department of Cardiology
- Section of Hematology/Oncology
- Emergency Medicine
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Mt Graham Community Hospital
- Cardiology Section
- Sarver Heart Center
- Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology
- Section of Cardiology
- Department of Cardiology
- Section of Cardiology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Section of Cardiology
- Section of Emergency Medicine
- Section of Cardiology
- Sarver Heart Center
- College of Medidne
- Cardiology Section
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Biomedical Engineering Center
- Department of Cardiology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Medicine and Radiology
- Department of Cardiology
- Section of Cardiology
- University Medical Center
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Department of Surgery
- Children's Research Center
- Department of Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center
External person
Richard A. Windsor
- University of Alabama
- George Washington University
- School of Education
- School of Public Health
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
External person
Dennis Matthews
- University of Colorado Denver
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- The Children's Hospital, Aurora
External person
S. J. Goldberg
- University of Arizona
- Killingbeck Hospital
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- Department of Pediatrics
- Cardiosurgical Unit
- Section of Pediatric Cardiology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Neurology and Psychology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- Steele Memorial Children's Research Center
- Departments of Internal Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Internal Medicine (Dermatology)
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Heather Sanders
External person
Mary Adam
- University of Arizona
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- University of Arizona
External person
Raymond L. Woosley
- Critical Path Institute
- University of Arizona
- College of Medicine
- Department of Medicine and Pharmacology
- Department of Medicine
- The Critical Path Institute
- Department of Medicine and Pharmacology
- Medicine Department of Pharmacology
- Department of Medicine
- College of Medicine
- Critical Path Institute
- AZCERT, Inc.
- Arizona Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics (AZCERT)
- Arizona Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics (AZCERT)
External person
Melinda M. Milander
- University of Arizona
- Section of Hematology/Oncology
- Section of Cardiology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Medicine and Radiology
- Department of Surgery
External person
Robert A. Berg
- University of Arizona
- University of Pennsylvania
- Division of Emergency Medicine
- Pediatrics/3302
- Longmont United Hospital
- Department of Pediatrics/3302
- Pediatric Research Center
- Royal United Hospital
- Steele Memorial Children's Research Center
- Department of Medicine
- Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care and Pediatrics
- Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- Critical Care Medicine
- Children's Research Center
- Department of Pediatrics
- Emergency Medicine
- Mt Graham Community Hospital
- Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics and the Steele Children's Research Center
- Division of Emergency Medicine
- Sarver Heart Center
- Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
- Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
- Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
- Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust
- Coll. Med., Dept. Pediat. Steele M.
- Sarver Heart Center
- Division of Critical Care Medicine
- Dept. of Pediat. and Steel Mem. C.
- Division of Pediatric Critical Care
- College of Medidne
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Steele Research Center
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Medicine
- The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- Division of Emergency Medicine
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
External person
Michael A. Perlstein
- University of Arizona
- Department of Pediatrics (Cardiology)
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Timothy Miller
- University of Arizona
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Neurology
- The Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology
- Department of Pediatrics and the Steele Research Center
External person
Rebeca Arias
- University of Arizona
- Department of Pediatrics and the Steele Research Center
External person
Rodrigo Villar
- Childrens' Clin. Rehabilitative S.
- University of Arizona
- Tucson Pediatric Hospitalists
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Kathleen Pettit
- University of Arizona
- Department of Pediatrics and the Steele Research Center
External person
Alan J. Gelenberg
- Case Western Reserve University
- Healthcare Technology Systems, Inc.
- University of Arizona
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Departments of Psychiatry
External person
Christina Trout
- University of Iowa
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Joseph R. Hibbeln
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
External person
Carrie Zwerdling Kluger
- N. Kentucky Family Health Center
- N. Kentucky Family Health Center
External person
Shree Pandya
- University of Rochester
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
External person
Valerie F. Reyna
- Cornell University
- Department of Surgery
- University of Arizona
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Educational Psychology
- Interdisciplinary Consortium on Advanced Motion Performance (ICAMP)
External person