Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1967 …2024

Research activity per year


Search results

  • 2013

    Honeycomb mirrors for large telescopes

    Hill, J., Martin, H. & Angel, J. R. P., Jan 1 2013, Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 1: Telescopes and Instrumentation. Springer Netherlands, p. 137-184 48 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    3 Scopus citations
  • 2007

    STELLA ANTARCTICA an I.P.Y. programme towards an international astronomical observatory at Dome C, Antarctica

    Fossat, E., Candidi, M., Du Foresto, V. C., Casoli, F., Epchtein, N., Vernin, J., Abia, C., Mc Caughrean, M., Busso, M., Jugie, G., Rauer, H., Bensammar, S., Lagage, P. O., Surdej, J., Cucinotta, N., Storey, J., Garcia, P., Cesarsky, C., Melnik, J. & Léna, P. & 15 others, Angel, R., Masciadri, E., Swain, M., Guillot, T., Giard, M., Mosser, B., Vakili, F., Severino, G., Arnaud, J., Salinari, P., De Bernardis, P., Vettolani, P., Giraud-Héraud, Y., Piat, M. & DallOglio, G., 2007, Ist ARENA Conference on "Large Astronomical Infrastructures at CONCORDIA, prospects and constraints for Antarctic Optical/IR Astronomy". Candili, M. (ed.). p. 19-22 4 p. (EAS Publications Series; vol. 25).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter