
Search results

  • 1993

    Polymerase chain reaction detection of nonviable bacterial pathogens

    Josephson, K. L., Gerba, C. P. & Pepper, I. L., 1993, In: Applied and environmental microbiology. 59, 10, p. 3513-3515 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

    Open Access
    389 Scopus citations
  • 1992
    2 Scopus citations
  • Erratum: Low-temperature 2H NMR spectroscopy of phospholipid bilayers containing docosahexaenoyl (22:6ω3) chains (Biochemistry (August 27, 1991) 30 (8386-8394))

    Barry, J. A., Trouard, T. P., Salmon, A. & Brown, M. F., 1992, In: Biochemistry. 31, 7, p. 2187 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Erratum

    Michèle, S., Alain, B., Oliver, W. S., Hung, O. R., Hope, C. E., Laney, G., Whynot, S. C., Coonan, T. J., Malloy, D. S., Patterson, S., Gelb, A., Manninen, P., Strum, D., Glosten, B., Spellman, M. J., Eger, E. I., Craen, R. A., Gelb, A. W., Murkin, J. M. & Chong, K. Y. & 383 others, Penning, D. H., El-Behairy, H., Brien, J. F., Coh, J. W., Arellano, R., Correa, J., Fedorko, L., Liu, Z., Boylan, J. F., Sandler, A. N., Nierenberg, H., Sheiner, P. A., Greig, P. D., O'Leary, G. M., Teasdale, S. J., Glynn, M. F. X., Orser, B. A., Wang, L. Y., MacDonald, J. F., Loomis, C. W., Arunachalam, K. D., Vyas, D., Milne, B., Gagnon, D., Lavoie, J., Dupuis, J. Y., Miller, D. R., Martineau, R. J., Greenway, D., Olivaris, L., Hull, K., Tierney, R. N. M., Wynands, J. E., Martineau, R., St-Jean, B., Kitts, J., Miller, D., Lindsay, P., Curran, M., Allen, G. C., Crossan, M. L., Wise, R., Donati, F., Bevan, D. R., Hardy, J. F., Desroches, J., Perrault, J., Carrier, M., Robitaille, D., Ansley, D. M., O'Connor, J. P., Dolman, J., Townsend, G. E., Ricci, D., Liepert, D. J., Browne, P. M., Hertz, T., Rooney, M., Yip, R. W., Code, W., Phillips, A. A., McLean, R. F., Devitt, J. H., Harrington, E. M., Byrick, R. J., Wong, P. Y., Wigglesworth, D., Kay, J. C., Sinclair, L. A., Koch, J. P., Deemar, K. A., Christakis, G. K., Belo, S., Angle, P., Cheng, D., Boylan, J., Sandler, A., Feindel, C., Carmichael, F., Boylen, P., Boylen, P., DeLima, L. G. R., Nathan, H. J., Hynes, M. S., Bourke, M. E., Russell, G. N., Seyone, C., Chung, F., Chartrand, D., Roux, L., Dain, S. L., Smith, B. D., Webster, A. C., Wigglesworth, D. F., Rose, D. K., Caskennette, G., Mechetuk, C., Doyle, D. J., DeMajo, W., van den Bosch, F., Lee, M., McClenaghan, K. M., Mazer, C. D., Preston, R., Crosby, E. T., Kotarba, D., Dudas, H., Elliott, R. D., Enns, J., Manninen, P. H., Farrar, J. K., Huzyka, D. L., Lin, L. P., Fossey, S., Finucane, B. T., Stockwell, M., Lozanoff, S., Lang, S., Hyssen, J., Campbell, D. C., Douglas, M. J., Pavy, T. J. G., Flanagan, M. L., McMorland, G. H., Bands, C., Ffaracs, C. B., Lipsett, C., Drover, D., Stafford-Smith, M., Stevens, S., Shields, K., MacSween, M. J., McAllister, J. D., Morley-Forster, P. K., White, A. K., Taylor, M. D., Vandenberghe, H. M., Knoppert, D., Reimer, H., Duke, P. C., Kehler, C. H., Kepron, M. W., Taraska, V. A., Carstoniu, J., Norman, P., Katz, J., Hannallah, M., Cooney, C. M., Lyons, J. B., Hennigan, A., Blunnie, W. P., Moriarty, D. C., Dobkowski, W. B., Prato, F. S., Shannon, N. A., Drost, D. J., Arya, B., Wills, J. M., Bond, D., Morley-Forester, P., Jb, M., Spahr-Schopfer, I., Lerman, J., Cutz, E., Dolovich, M., Kowalski, S., Ong, B., Bell, D., Ostryzniuk, T., Serrette, C., Wasylak, T., Coke, S., Tsuda, T., Nakagawa, T., Mabuchi, N., Ando, H., Nishida, O., Azami, T., Katsuya, H., Goto, Y., Searle, N. R., Roy, M., R. R. T., R. T., Smith, C. E., Pinchak, A. C., Hagen, J. F., Hancock, D., Krassioukov, A. V., Weaver, L. C., Sutton, I. R., Mutch, W. A. C., Teskey, J. M., Thomson, I. R., Rosenbloom, M., Thiessen, D., Teasdale, S., Corbin, H., Graham, M. R., Lang, S. A., Chang, P., Gerard, M., Tetzlaff, J. E., Walsh, M., Yoon, H., Warriner, B., Fancourt-Smith, P., McEwen, J., Crane, J., Badner, N. H., Bhandari, R., Komar, W. E., Ganapathy, S., Warriner, C. B., McCormack, J. P., Levine, M., Glick, N., Chan, V. W. S., McQuestion, M., Gomez, M., Cruise, C., Evana, D., Shumka, D., Smyth, R. J., Graham, M., Halpenny, D., Goresky, G. V., Zaretski, J. E., Kavanagh, B., Roger, S., Davies, A., Friedlander, M., Cohen, M. M., Duncan, P. G., Pope, W. D. B., Biehl, D., Merchant, R., Tweed, W. A., Tessler, M. J., Angle, M., Kleiman, S., Kavanagh, B. P., Doak, G. J., Li, G., Hall, R. I., Sulliyan, J. A., Yee, I., Halpern, S., Pittini, R., Huh, C., Bryson, G. L., Gverzdys, R., Perreault, C., Ferland, L., Gobeil, F., Girard, D., Smyth, R., Asokumar, B., Glynn, M., Silveira, S., Clark, J., Milgram, P., Splinter, W. M., MacNeill, H. B., Ménard, E. A., Rhine, E. J., Roberts, D. J., Gould, G. M., Johnson, G. G., Quance, D., Wiesel, S., Easdown, J., Truong, N. T., Miller, N., Sheiner, N., Welborn, L., Norden, J., Hannallah, R., Broadman, L., Seiden, N., Iwai, M., Iwai, R., Horigome, H., Yamashita, M., Wood, C. E., Klassen, K., Kleinman, S., Yentis, S., Sikich, N., Yemen, T. A., Mascik, B., Nelson, W., Ghantous, H., Gandolfi, J., Wood, G., Ali, M., Inman, K., Karski, J. M., Carroll, J., Brooks, D., Oakley, P. A., Webster, P. M., Yao, T., Ivanov, J., Young, P., Carson, S., Weisel, R. D., Cooper, R. M., Wong, D. T., Wagner, D. P., Knaus, W. A., Munshi, C. A., Kampine, J. P., Soutter, I. D., Mathieu, A., Gafni, A., Dauphin, A., Torsher, L., Tierney, M., Hopkins, H. S., Baylon, G. J., Peter, E. A., Bellhouse, C. P., Dore, C., Rachwal, T. W., Lanigan, D. T., Yip, R., Derdemezi, J. B., Britt, B. A., Withington, D. E., Reynolds, F., Patrick, A., Man, W., Ste-Marie, H., Kostash, M. A., Johnston, R., Bailey, R. J., Sharpe, M. D., Woda, R. P., Haug, M., Slugg, P., Lockrem, J., Barnett, G., Finegan, B. A., Robertson, M., Taylor, D., Frost, G., Koshal, A., Rodney, G. E., Reichert, C. C., O'Regan, D. N., Blackstock, D., Steward, D. J., Wenstone, R., Harrington, E., Wong, A., Braude, B., Fear, D., Bissonnette, B., Reid, C. W., Hull, K. A., Yogendran, S., McGuire, G., Chan, V., Hartley, E., Van Kessel, K., Weisel, R., Takla, N., Tremblay, N. A., Ralley, F. E., Ramsay, J. G., Robbins, G. R., Salevsky, F. C., Gandhi, S., Nimphius, N., Dionne, B., Jodoin, C., Lorange, M., Lapointe, A., Hawboldt, G., Volgyesi, G. A., Tousignant, G., Barnett, R. & Gallant, B., Sep 1992, In: Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. 39, 7, p. 749 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  • In vivo strain analysis of the greyhound femoral diaphysis

    Szivek, J. A., Johnson, E. M. & Magee, F. P., 1992, In: Journal of Investigative Surgery. 5, 2, p. 91-108 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

    52 Scopus citations
  • 1990

    Erratum: Structure, multiple site binding, and segmental accommodation in thymidylate synthase on binding dUMP and an anti-folate (Biochemistry Volume 29, Number 30, July 31, 1990, pages 6964-6977)

    Montfort, W. R., Perry, K. M., Fauman, E. B., Finer-Moore, J. S., Maley, G. F., Hardy, L., Maley, F. & Stroud, R. M., 1990, In: Biochemistry. 29, 48, p. 10864 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • 1985

    Strontium isotopic evidence for the origin of barites and sulfides from the Mississippi valley-type ore deposits in southeast Missouri-a discussion

    Ruiz, J., Kelly, W. C. & Kaiser, C. J., Jan 5 1985, In: Economic Geology. 80, 3, p. 773-775 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

    8 Scopus citations