Arizona Research Labs

Search results

  • 2009

    Autosomal resequence data reveal late stone age signals of population expansion in Sub-Saharan African foraging and farming populations

    Cox, M. P., Morales, D. A., Woerner, A. E., Sozanski, J., Wall, J. D. & Hammer, M. F., Jul 29 2009, In: PloS one. 4, 7, e6366.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    46 Scopus citations
  • Confinement property in SU(3) gauge theory

    Zayakin, A. V. & Rafelski, J., Aug 20 2009, In: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 80, 3, 034024.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations
  • Critical hadronization pressure

    Rafelski, J. & Letessier, J., 2009, In: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 36, 6, 064017.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • Extended y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood

    Hammer, M. F., Behar, D. M., Karafet, T. M., Mendez, F. L., Hallmark, B., Erez, T., Zhivotovsky, L. A., Rosset, S. & Skorecki, K., 2009, In: Human Genetics. 126, 5, p. 707-717 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    55 Scopus citations
  • Minimalist Behaviorism: The Role of the Individual in Explaining Language Universals

    Bever, T. G., May 1 2009, Language Universals. Oxford University Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    1 Scopus citations
  • Resonance production in heavy ion collisions: Suppression of ≈(1520) and enhancement of σ(1385)

    Kuznetsova, I. & Rafelski, J., Jan 28 2009, In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 79, 1, 014903.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Resonances do not equilibrate

    Kuznetsova, I., Letessier, J. & Rafelski, J., Apr 2009, In: Acta Physica Polonica B. 40, 4, p. 1013-1024 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Response

    Hammer, M. F., Behar, D. M., Karafet, T., Mendez, F. L., Hallmark, B., Erez, T., Zhivotovsky, L. A., Rosset, S. & Skorecki, K., 2009, In: Human Genetics. 126, 5, p. 725-726 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

  • Turbulent transfer of energy by radiating pulses

    Rumpf, B., Newell, A. C. & Zakharov, V. E., Aug 14 2009, In: Physical review letters. 103, 7, 074502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    34 Scopus citations
  • Vacuum-decay time in strong external fields

    Labun, L. & Rafelski, J., Mar 2 2009, In: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 79, 5, 057901.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    24 Scopus citations
  • 2008

    A DNA signature for the expansion of irrigation in Bali?

    Stephen Lansing, J., Karafet, T. M., Schoenfelder, J. & Hammer, M. F., Jul 28 2008, Past Human Migrations in East Asia: Matching Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 376-394 19 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    8 Scopus citations
  • A novel DNA sequence database for analyzing human demographic history

    Wall, J. D., Cox, M. P., Mendez, F. L., Woerner, A., Severson, T. & Hammer, M. F., Aug 2008, In: Genome Research. 18, 8, p. 1354-1361 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    70 Scopus citations
  • Behavior: A biolinguistic agenda

    Hauser, M. D. & Bever, T., Nov 14 2008, In: Science. 322, 5904, p. 1057-1059 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • Contrasting signatures of population growth for mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomes among human populations in Africa

    Pilkington, M. M., Wilder, J. A., Mendez, F. L., Cox, M. P., Woerner, A., Angui, T., Kingan, S., Mobasher, Z., Batini, C., Destro-Bisol, G., Soodyall, H., Strassmann, B. I. & Hammer, M. F., Mar 2008, In: Molecular biology and evolution. 25, 3, p. 517-525 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    48 Scopus citations
  • Distribution of Y chromosomes among native North Americans: A study of Athapaskan population history

    Malhi, R. S., Gonzalez-Oliver, A., Schroeder, K. B., Kemp, B. M., Greenberg, J. A., Dobrowski, S. Z., Smith, D. G., Resendez, A., Karafet, T., Hammer, M., Zegura, S. & Brovko, T., Dec 2008, In: American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 137, 4, p. 412-424 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    54 Scopus citations
  • Enhanced production of Δ and Σ (1385) resonances

    Kuznetsova, I. & Rafelski, J., Oct 2 2008, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 668, 2, p. 105-110 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC - Last call for predictions

    Armesto, N., Borghini, N., Jeon, S., Wiedemann, U. A., Abreu, S., Akkelin, S. V., Alam, J., Albacete, J. L., Andronic, A., Antonov, D., Arleo, F., Armesto, N., Arsene, I. C., Barnaföldi, G. G., Barrette, J., Bäuchle, B., Becattini, F., Betz, B., Bleicher, M. & Bluhm, M. & 152 others, Boer, D., Bopp, F. W., Braun-Munzinger, P., Bravina, L., Busza, W., Cacciari, M., Capella, A., Casalderrey-Solana, J., Chatterjee, R., Chen, L. W., Cleymans, J., Cole, B. A., Del Valle, Z. C., Csernai, L. P., Cunqueiro, L., Dainese, A., De Deus, J. D., Ding, H. T., Djordjevic, M., Drescher, H., Dremin, I. M., Dumitru, A., El, A., Engel, R., D'Enterria, D., Eskola, K. J., Fai, G., Ferreiro, E. G., Fries, R. J., Frodermann, E., Fujii, H., Gale, C., Gelis, F., Gonçalves, V. P., Greco, V., Greiner, C., Gyulassy, M., Hees, H. V., Heinz, U., Honkanen, H., Horowitz, W. A., Iancu, E., Ingelman, G., Jalilian-Marian, J., Kaidalov, A. B., Kämpfer, B., Kang, Z. B., Karpenko, I. A., Kestin, G., Kharzeev, D., Ko, C. M., Koch, B., Kopeliovich, B., Kozlov, M., Kraus, I., Kuznetsova, I., Lee, S. H., Lednicky, R., Letessier, J., Levin, E., Li, B. A., Lin, Z. W., Liu, H., Liu, W., Loizides, C., Lokhtin, I. P., MacHado, M. V. T., Malinina, L. V., Managadze, A. M., Mangano, M. L., Mannarelli, M., Manuel, C., Martínez, G., Milhano, J. G., Mócsy, Á., Molnór, D., Nardi, M., Nayak, J. K., Niemi, H., Oeschler, H., Ollitrault, J. Y., Paić, G., Pajares, C., Pantuev, V. S., Papp, G., Peressounko, D., Petreczky, P., Petrushanko, S. V., Piccinini, F., Pierog, T., Pirner, H. J., Porteboeuf, S., Potashnikova, I., Qin, G. Y., Qiu, J. W., Rafelski, J., Rajagopal, K., Ranft, J., Rapp, R., Räsänen, S. S., Rathsman, J., Rau, P., Redlich, K., Renk, T., Rezaeian, A. H., Rischke, D., Roesler, S., Ruppert, J., Ruuskanen, P. V., Salgado, C. A., Sapeta, S., Sarcevic, I., Sarkar, S., Sarycheva, L. I., Schmidt, I., Shoshi, A. I., Sinha, B., Sinyukov, Y. M., Snigirev, A. M., Srivastava, D. K., Stachel, J., Stasto, A., Stöcker, H., Teplov, C. Y., Thews, R. L., Torrieri, G., Pop, V. T., Triantafyllopoulos, D. N., Tuchin, K. L., Turbide, S., Tywoniuk, K., Utermann, A., Venugopalan, R., Vitev, I., Vogt, R., Wang, E., Wang, X. N., Werner, K., Wessels, E., Wheaton, S., Wicks, S., Wiedemann, U. A., Wolschin, G., Xiao, B. W., Xu, Z., Yasui, S., Zabrodin, E., Zapp, K., Zhang, B., Zhang, B. W., Zhang, H. & Zhou, D., May 1 2008, In: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 35, 5, 054001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    332 Scopus citations
  • Joint match probabilities for Y chromosomal and autosomal markers

    Walsh, B., Redd, A. J. & Hammer, M. F., Jan 30 2008, In: Forensic Science International. 174, 2-3, p. 234-238 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    35 Scopus citations
  • Language as ergonomic perfection

    Piattelli-Palmarini, M., Hancock, R. & Bever, T., 2008, In: Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 31, 5, p. 530-531 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • Male dominance rarely skews the frequency distribution of Y chromosome haplotypes in human populations

    Lansing, J. S., Watkins, J. C., Hallmark, B., Cox, M. P., Karafet, T., Sudoyo, H. & Hammer, M. F., Aug 19 2008, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 33, p. 11645-11650 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    34 Scopus citations
  • New binary polymorphisms reshape and increase resolution of the human Y chromosomal haplogroup tree

    Karafet, T. M., Mendez, F. L., Meilerman, M. B., Underhill, P. A., Zegura, S. L. & Hammer, M. F., May 2008, In: Genome Research. 18, 5, p. 830-838 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    701 Scopus citations
  • Non-equilibrium heavy-flavored hadron yields from chemical equilibrium strangeness-rich QGP

    Kuznetsova, I. & Rafelski, J., Apr 1 2008, In: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 35, 4, 044043.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Particle production and deconfinement threshold

    Rafelski, J. & Letessier, J., 2008.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Particle production and deconfinement threshold

    Rafelski, J. & Letessier, J., 2008, In: Proceedings of Science. 77

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  • Phyllotaxis: Cooperation and competition between mechanical and biochemical processes

    Newell, A. C., Shipman, P. D. & Sun, Z., Apr 7 2008, In: Journal of Theoretical Biology. 251, 3, p. 421-439 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    88 Scopus citations
  • Phyllotaxis as an example of the symbiosis of mechanical forces and biochemical processes in living tissue

    Newell, A. C., Shipman, P. D. & Sun, Z., Aug 2008, In: Plant Signaling and Behavior. 3, 8, p. 586-589 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    16 Scopus citations
  • Pion and muon production in e-, e+, γ plasma

    Kuznetsova, I., Habs, D. & Rafelski, J., Jul 31 2008, In: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 78, 1, 014027.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • Strangeness at the threshold of phase change

    Rafelski, J., Kuznetsova, I. & Letessier, J., Apr 1 2008, In: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 35, 4, 044011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • Strangeness enhancement. Challenges and successes

    Rafelski, J., Mar 2008, In: European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 155, 1, p. 139-166 28 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    15 Scopus citations
  • Strangeness enhancement at LHC

    Rafelski, J. & Letessier, J., Apr 1 2008, In: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 35, 4, 044042.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • Testing for archaic hominin admixture on the X chromosome: Model likelihoods for the modern human RRM2P4 region from summaries of genealogical topology under the structured coalescent

    Cox, M. P., Mendez, F. L., Karafet, T. M., Pilkington, M. M., Kingan, S. B., Destro-Bisol, G., Strassmann, B. I. & Hammer, M. F., Jan 2008, In: Genetics. 178, 1, p. 427-437 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • The canonical form constraint: Language acquisition via a general theory of learning

    Bever, T. G., Dec 21 2008, Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Psychology of Language: Research in the Tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin. Psychology Press Taylor & Francis Group, p. 321-332 12 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • The druze: A population genetic refugium of the Near East

    Shlush, L. I., Behar, D. M., Yudkovsky, G., Templeton, A., Hadid, Y., Basis, F., Hammer, M., Itzkovitz, S. & Skorecki, K., May 7 2008, In: PloS one. 3, 5, e2105.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    38 Scopus citations
  • The effect of history and lifestyle on genetic structure of North Asian populations

    Karafet, T. M., Osipova, L. P. & Hammer, M. F., Jul 28 2008, Past Human Migrations in East Asia: Matching Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, p. 395-415 21 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    6 Scopus citations
  • The role of the generalized Phillips' spectrum in wave turbulence

    Newell, A. C. & Zakharov, V. E., Jun 2 2008, In: Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 372, 23, p. 4230-4233 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    36 Scopus citations
  • 2007

    A paleogenetic study of the prehistoric populations of the Altai

    Chikisheva, T. A., Gubina, M. A., Kulikov, I. V., Karafet, T. M., Voevoda, M. I. & Romaschenko, A. G., Dec 2007, In: Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia. 32, 1, p. 130-142 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    13 Scopus citations
  • Coevolution of languages and genes on the island of Sumba, eastern Indonesia

    Lansing, J. S., Cox, M. P., Downey, S. S., Gabler, B. M., Hallmark, B., Karafet, T., Norquest, P., Schoenfelder, J. W., Sudoyo, H., Watkins, J. C. & Hammer, M. F., Oct 9 2007, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104, 41, p. 16022-16026 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    70 Scopus citations
  • Communication through plasma sheaths

    Korotkevich, A. O., Newell, A. C. & Zakharov, V. E., 2007, In: Journal of Applied Physics. 102, 8, 083305.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    42 Scopus citations
  • Extraordinary Population Structure among the Baining of New Britain

    Wilder, J. A. & Hammer, M. F., Sep 1 2007, Population Genetics, Linguistics, and Culture History in the Southwest Pacific. Oxford University Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    4 Scopus citations
  • From Social to Genetic Structures in Central Asia

    Chaix, R., Quintana-Murci, L., Hegay, T., Hammer, M. F., Mobasher, Z., Austerlitz, F. & Heyer, E., Jan 9 2007, In: Current Biology. 17, 1, p. 43-48 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    90 Scopus citations
  • Hadron resonances and phase threshold in heavy ion collisions

    Torrieri, G. & Rafelski, J., Feb 7 2007, In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 75, 2, 024902.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • Heavy flavor hadrons in statistical hadronization of strangeness-rich QGP

    Kuznetsova, I. & Rafelski, J., Jun 2007, In: European Physical Journal C. 51, 1, p. 113-133 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    85 Scopus citations
  • Inferring human population sizes, divergence times and rates of gene flow from mitochondrial, X and Y chromosome resequencing data

    Garrigan, D., Kingan, S. B., Pilkington, M. M., Wilder, J. A., Cox, M. P., Soodyall, H., Strassmann, B., Destro-Bisol, G., De Knijff, P., Novelletto, A., Friedlaender, J. & Hammer, M. F., Dec 2007, In: Genetics. 177, 4, p. 2195-2207 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    61 Scopus citations
  • Quarks in the universe

    Rafelski, J., Apr 2007, In: International Journal of Modern Physics E. 16, 3, p. 813-828 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • Strangeness chemical equilibration in a quark-gluon plasma

    Letessier, J. & Rafelski, J., 2007, In: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 75, 1, 014905.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    22 Scopus citations
  • Y Chromosome Variation in Northern Island Melanesia

    Scheinfeldt, L. B., Friedlaender, F. R., Friedlaender, J. S., Latham, K., Koki, G., Karafet, T., Hammer, M. & Lorenz, J., Sep 1 2007, Population Genetics, Linguistics, and Culture History in the Southwest Pacific. Oxford University Press

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    3 Scopus citations
  • Δ33-medium mass modification and pion spectra

    Pin-Zhen, B. & Rafelski, J., Jun 2007, In: European Physical Journal A. 32, 3, p. 267-272 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • 2006

    ALICE: Physics performance report, volume II

    Cortese, P., Dellacasa, G., Ramello, L., Sitta, M., Ahmad, N., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, T., Bari, W., Irfan, M., Zafar, M., Botje, M., Kuijer, P. G., Snellings, R., Belogianni, A., Christakoglou, P., Ganoti, P., Petridis, A., Roukoutakis, F., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M. & Vassiliou, M. & 943 others, Bruno, G. E., Cali, I. A., Caselle, M., De Cataldo, G., Di Bari, D., Elia, D., Fini, R. A., Ghidini, B., Lenti, V., Manzari, V., Mastroserio, A., Minafra, F., Nappi, E., Navach, F., Pastore, C., Paticchio, V., Perrino, D., Posa, F., Santoro, R., Sgura, I., Volpe, G., Corsi, F., De Venuto, D., Fratino, U., Marzocca, C., Tauro, A., Li, X., Liu, Z., Lu, S., Lu, Z., Meng, Q., Sa, B., Yuan, J., Zhou, J., Zhou, S., Alme, J., Bablok, S., Klovning, A., Nystrand, J., Pommeresche, B., Richter, M., Röhrich, D., Ullaland, K., Yang, H., Helstrup, H., Hetland, K. F., Kileng, B., Røed, K., Choudhury, R. K., Dash, S., Mahapatra, D. P., Mishra, D., Phatak, S. C., Sahoo, R., Daniel, L., Evans, D., Jones, G. T., Jovanovíc, P., Jusko, A., Kinson, J. B., Platt, R., Lietava, R., Tapia Takaki, J. D., Villalobos Baillie, O., Alici, A., Antinori, S., Antonioli, P., Arcelli, S., Bari, G., Basile, M., Cara Romeo, G., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Falchieri, D., Gabrielli, A., Gandolfi, E., Hatzifotiadou, D., Laurenti, G., Luvisetto, M. L., Margotti, A., Masetti, M., Nania, R., Noferini, F., Palmonari, F., Pesci, A., Sartorelli, G., Scapparone, E., Scioli, G., Vacca, G. P., Valenti, G., Venturi, G., Williams, M. C. S., Zampolli, C., Zichichi, A., Černý, V., Janik, R., Lúčan, L., Pikna, M., Pišút, J., Pišútová, N., Sitár, B., Strmeň, P., Szarka, I., Zagiba, M., Aiftimiei, C., Catanescu, V., Legrand, C. I., Petrovici, M., Pop, A., Schiaua, C., Simion, V., Barnaföldi, G., Boldizsár, L., Dénes, E., Fodor, Z., Futó, E., Kiss, T., Lévai, P., Pálla, G., Zimányi, J., Atanassov, I., Basciu, S., Cicalo, C., De Falco, A., Floris, M., Masoni, A., Mura, D., Puddu, G., Serci, S., Siddi, E., Usai, G., Badalà, A., Barbera, R., Lo Re, G., Palmeri, A., Pappalardo, G. S., Pulvirenti, A., Riggi, F., Anelli, G., Augustin, I., Augustinus, A., Baechler, J., Belikov, J. A., Betev, L., Boccardi, A., Brun, R., Burns, M., Buncic, P., Campagnolo, R., Campbell, M., Carena, F., Carena, W., Carminati, F., Chapeland, S., Cheshkov, C., Chochula, P., Christiansen, P., Colla, A., Conrad, J., Correia Belbute, B. F., Davenport, M., De Groot, J., Di Mauro, A., Divià, R., Engster, C., Evrard, S., Fabjan, C. W., Feng, L., Flierl, D., Formenti, F., Fuchs, U., García López, A., Gheata, A., Gheata, M., González-Gutiérrez, C., Grosso, R., Gruwe, M., Gustafsson, H. A., Hoedelmoser, H., Hristov, P., Ivanov, M., Jirden, L., Jorgensen, C., Junique, A., Kapusta, S., Kickinger, W., Klempt, W., Kluge, A., Leistam, L., Lo, J. P., López Noriega, M., Lourenço, C., Makhlyueva, I., Marin, J. C., Martinengo, P., Meunier-Picard, D., Meoni, M., Morel, M., Morsch, A., Mota, B., Muller, H., Musa, L., Nayak, T. K., Nilsson, P., Nouais, D., Osmic, F., Perini, D., Pestotnik, R., Peters, A., Pinto Morais, V., Popescu, S., Rademakers, F., Revol, J. P., Riedler, P., Riegler, W., Šafařík, K., Schossmaier, K., Schukraft, J., Schutz, Y., Silva Loureiro, P. A., Soos, C., Stefanini, G., Swoboda, D., Tadel, M., Taureg, H., Tavlet, M., Tissot-Daguette, P., Torcato De Matos, C., Vande Vyvre, P., Vanuxem, J. P., Aggarwal, M. M., Bhati, A. K., Kumar, A., Sharma, M., Sood, G., Baldit, A., Barret, V., Bastid, N., Blanchard, G., Castor, J., Crochet, P., Daudon, F., Devaux, A., Dupieux, P., Force, P., Grigoryan, S., Guerin, F., Guernane, R., Insa, C., Jouve, F., Lecoq, J., Manso, F., Rosnet, P., Royer, L., Saturnini, P., Savinel, G., Humanic, T. J., Kotov, I. V., Lisa, M., Nilsen, B. S., Truesdale, D., Johnson, D., Bearden, I., Bøggild, H., Christensen, C. H., Gaardhøje, J. J., Gulbrandtsen, K., Nielsen, B. S., Renault, G., Bartke, J., Gładysz-Dziaduś, E., Kornaś, E., Kowalski, M., Rybicki, A., Wróblewski, A., Andronic, A., Antonczyk, D., Badura, E., Bailhache, R., Berdermann, E., Braun-Munzinger, P., Busch, O., Ciobanu, M., Foka, P., Frankenfeld, U., Garabatos, C., Gutbrod, H., Lippmann, C., Malzacher, P., Marín, A., Miśkowiec, D., Radomski, S., Schmidt, H. R., Schwarz, K., Sedykh, S., Simon, R. S., Soyk, D., Stelzer, H., Stockmeier, M., Tziledakis, G., Vranic, D., Wiechula, J., Bonnes, U., Kraus, I., Oeschler, H., Appelshäuser, H., Blume, C., Dietel, T., Gaździcki, M., Hartig, M., Kliemant, M., Kniege, S., Kolleger, T., Kramer, F., Lange, S., Loizides, C., Ploskon, M., Renfordt, R., Sommer, W., Stock, R., Ströbele, H., Berdnikov, Y., Ivanov, V., Khanzadeev, A., Miftakhov, N., Nikoulin, V., Polyakov, V., Rostchin, E., Samsonov, V., Tarasenkova, O., Tarakanov, V., Zhalov, M., López Torres, E., Abrahantes Quintana, A., Díaz Valdes, R., Alt, T., Angelov, V., Cuveland, J., Gutfleisch, M., Kalcher, S., Lindenstruth, V., Panse, R., Reichling, C., Schneider, R., Steinbeck, T., Tilsner, H., Tröger, G., Wiebalck, A., Adler, C., Emschermann, D., Glässel, P., Herrmann, N., Ludolphs, W., Mahmoud, T., Mercado, J., Milosevic, J., Oyama, K., Rusanov, I., Schicker, R., Shukla, P., Soltveit, H. C., Stachel, J., Vulpescu, B., Windelband, B., Yurevich, S., Shigaki, K., Sugitate, T., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Badyal, S. K., Bala, R., Bhasin, A., Gupta, A., Gupta, V. K., Mahajan, S., Mangotra, L. K., Potukuchi, B. V. K. S., Sambyal, S. S., Akichine, P. G., Arefiev, V. A., Baatar, T., Batiounia, B. V., Chepurnov, V. F., Chernenko, S. A., Dodokhov, V. K., Fateev, O. V., Fedunov, A. G., Haiduc, M., Hasegan, D., Kadychevsky, V. G., Kharadze, G., Khurelbaatar, B., Koshurnikov, E. K., Lioubochits, V. L., Lobanov, V. I., Malinina, L. V., Minaev, Y. I., Nioradze, M., Nomokonov, P. V., Panebrattsev, Y. A., Penev, V. N., Pismennaya, V. G., Pocheptsov, T. A., Roufanov, I., Shabratova, G. S., Shestakov, V., Shklovskaya, A. I., Sorin, A. S., Suleimanov, M. K., Tevzadze, Y., Togoo, R., Vodopianov, A. S., Yurevich, V. I., Zanevsky, Y. V., Zaporojets, S. A., Zinchenko, A. I., Äysto, J., Bondila, M., Lyapin, V., Oinonen, M., Malkiewicz, T., Ruuskanen, V., Seppänen, H., Trzaska, W., Yamaletkinov, S., Jung, H. T., Jung, W., Kim, D. W., Kim, H. N., Kim, J. S., Lee, K. S., Lee, S. C., Blank, T., Gemmeke, H., Bochek, G. L., Dovbnya, A. N., Kulibaba, V. I., Maslov, N. I., Naumov, S. V., Ovchinnik, V. D., Potin, S. M., Starodubtsev, A. F., Borshchov, V. N., Chykalov, O., Kaurova, L., Kiprich, S. K., Klymova, L., Listratenko, O. M., Mykhaylova, N., Protsenko, M., Reznik, O., Starkov, V. E., Kadenko, I., Martynov, Y., Molodtsov, S., Sinyukov, Y., Zinovjev, G., Bhattacharya, P., Bose, S., Chatterjee, S., Chattopadhyay, S., Das, D., Das, I., Dutt-Mazumder, A. K., Majumdar, N., Mukhopadhyay, S., Pal, S., Paul, L., Roy, P., Sanyal, A., Sarkar, S., Sen, P., Sen, S. K., Sinha, B. C., Sinha, T., Ahammed, Z., Bhaskar, P., Chattopadhyay, S., Das, D., Das, S., Dutta Majumdar, M. R., Ganti, M. S., Ghosh, P., Mohanty, B., Netrakanti, P. K., Pal, S., Singaraju, R. N., Singhal, V., Sinha, B., Viyogi, Y. P., Hartung, G., Krawutschke, T., Bán, J., Bombara, M., Dirner, A., Hnatič, M., Králik, I., Kravčáková, A., Kriváň, F., Krivda, M., Martinská, G., Pastirčák, B., Šándor, L., Urbán, J., Vrláková, J., Cinausero, M., Fioretto, E., Prete, G., Ricci, R. A., Vannucci, L., Branco, P., Carvalho, R., Seixas, J., Vilela Mendes, R., Oskarsson, A., Osterman, L., Otterlund, I., Stenlund, E. A., Cheynis, B., Ducroux, L., Grossiord, J. Y., Guichard, A., Pillot, P., Rapp, B., Tieulent, R., Alfaro Molina, J. R., Ayala, A., Belmont Moreno, E., Contreras, J. G., Cuautle, E., D'Olivo, J. C., Domínguez, I., Flores, A., Grabski, V., Herrera Corral, G., Linares, M., Martínez, M. I., Martínez Dávalos, A., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Montaño Zetina, L. M., Nellen, L., Paić, G., Del Pino, J., Reyes, P., Sandoval, A., Solano, J., Vergara, S., Zepeda, A., Feshchenko, V. A., Golubeva, M. B., Gorlychev, V. G., Guber, F. F., Karavichev, O. V., Karavicheva, T. L., Karpechev, E. V., Kurepin, A. B., Maevskaya, A. I., Marin, V. V., Pshenichnov, I. A., Razin, V. I., Reshetin, A. I., Shileev, K. A., Topil'skaia, N. S., Akindinov, A. N., Golovine, V., Kaidalov, A. B., Kats, M. M., Kiselev, I. T., Kisselev, S. M., Lioublev, E., Martemianov, M., Martemiyanov, A. N., Polozov, P. A., Serov, V. S., Smirnitski, A. V., Tchoumakov, M. M., Vetlitski, I. A., Volochine, K. G., Vorobiev, L. S., Zagreev, B. V., Aleksandrov, D., Antonenko, V., Beliaev, S., Fokine, S., Ippolitov, M., Karadjev, K., Koutcheriaev, I., Lebedev, V., Manko, V. I., Moukhanova, T., Nianine, A., Nikolaev, S., Nikouline, S., Patarakine, O., Peressounko, D., Sibiriak, I., Tsvetkov, A., Vasiliev, A., Vinogradov, A., Yushmanov, I., Grigoriev, V. A., Kaplin, V. A., Loginov, V. A., Nandi, B. K., Varma, R., Chandratre, V., Kataria, V., Baumann, C., Glasow, R., Gottschlag, H., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F., Heine, N., Klein-Bösing, C., Reygers, K., Santo, R., Verhoeven, W., Wessels, J., Wilk, A., Aphecetche, L., Berny, R., Bouvier, S., Conesa-Balbastre, G., Conesa-del-Valle, Z., Cussonneau, J. P., Delagrange, H., Dialinas, M., Finck, C., Erazmus, B., Germain, M., Lefèvre, F., Luquin, L., Martínez, G., Renard, C., Roy, C., Tournaire, A., Frolov, A. R., Pestov, I. N., Awes, T., Cherney, M., Gorbunov, Y., Bimbot, L., Chambert, V., Charpy, A., Comets, M. P., Courtat, P., Drouet, S., Edelbruck, P., Espagnon, B., Hřivnáčová, I., Kunne, R., Le Bornec, Y., Mac Cormick, M., Peyré, J., Pouthas, J., Rousseau, S., Suire, C., Willis, N., Wu, T., Bravina, L., Løvhøiden, G., Skaali, B., Tveter, T. S., Vik, T., Antinori, F., Dainese, A., Dima, R., Fabris, D., Faivre, J., Lunardon, M., Morando, M., Moretto, S., Pepato, A., Quercigh, E., Scarlassara, F., Segato, G., Turrisi, R., Viesti, G., Choi, J., Beitlerova, A., Mareš, J., Polák, K., Závada, P., Petráček, V., Pachr, M., Škoda, L., Bogolyubsky, M. Y., Khaoustov, G. V., Kharlov, Y. V., Minaev, N. G., Petrov, V. S., Polichtchouk, B. V., Sadovsky, S. A., Senko, V. A., Soloviev, A. S., Stolpovsky, P. V., Victorov, V. A., Férnandez Téllez, A., Gamez Flores, E., López-Ramírez, R., Ortiz-Velćzquez, A., Pagliarone, C., Román-López, S., Tejeda-Muñoz, G., Vargas, A., Villaseñor Cendejas, L., Adamová, D., Kouchpil, S., Kouchpil, V., Kugler, A., Šumbera, M., Wagner, V., Di Liberto, S., Mazzoni, M. A., Meddi, F., Urciuoli, G. M., Cleymans, J., De Vaux, G., Fearick, R. W., Szostak, A., Vilakazi, Z. Z., Anfreville, M., Baldisseri, A., Becker, B., Borel, H., Castillo, J., Charvet, J. L., Combet, M., Gosset, J., Hardy, P., Herlant, S., Orsini, F., Pénichot, Y., Pereira, H., Staley, F. M., Usseglio, M., De Caro, A., De Gruttola, D., De Pasquale, S., Di Bartolomeo, A., Fusco Girard, M., Grella, G., Guarnaccia, C., Guida, M., Romano, G., Sellitto, S., Silvestri, R., Virgili, T., Basmanov, V., Budnikov, D., Demanov, V., Ianowski, V., Ilkaev, R., Ilkaeva, L., Ivanov, A., Khlebnikov, A., Kouryakin, A., Mikhailov, E., Nazarenko, S., Pavlov, V., Philchagin, S., Punin, A., Punin, V., Poutevskoi, S., Rybin, A., Selin, I., Smetanin, M., Telnov, A., Treskov, S., Vikhlyantsev, O., Vinogradov, I., Vyushin, A., Zavyalov, N., Zhelezov, S., Zhitnik, A., Gotovac, S., Mudnic, E., Vidak, L., Asryan, A. G., Braun, M. A., Derkach, D. A., Feofilov, G. A., Igolkin, S. N., Ivanov, A. S., Kolevatov, R. S., Kolojvari, A. A., Kondratiev, V. P., Naumenko, P. A., Toulina, T. A., Valiev, F. F., Vechernin, V. V., Vinogradov, L. I., Baudot, J., Bonnet, D., Coffin, J. P., Estienne, M., Hippolyte, B., Kuhn, C., Lutz, J. 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    403 Scopus citations
  • Archaic admixture in the human genome

    Wall, J. D. & Hammer, M. F., Dec 2006, In: Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. 16, 6, p. 606-610 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    34 Scopus citations