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Mantyh, P. W. (PI)
7/1/11 → 5/31/16
Project: Research project
Post Traumatic Sleep: An Individualized Indicator of Severity and Recovery
Lifshitz, J. (PI) & O'Hara, B. (PI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/14
Project: Research project
Health Impact of Deepwater Horizon Spill in Eastern Gulf Coast Communities
Mayer, B. M. (PI), Irani, T. (PI), Morris, J. G. (PI), Grattan, L. (PI) & Kane, A. S. (PI)
6/27/11 → 4/30/16
Project: Research project
Typical Daily Emotion, Ischemia and Repolarization in Coronary Artery Disease
Lane, R. D. (PI)
6/25/11 → 4/30/15
Project: Research project
Regulation of Homologous Recombination in Human Cells
Ellis, N. (PI)
6/1/11 → 3/31/16
Project: Research project
Strategies for reducing the impact of implicit stereotyping of Hispanics in recom
Stone, J. A. (PI)
6/1/11 → 5/31/15
Project: Research project
5th International Conference on Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition
Runyan, R. B. (PI)
5/1/11 → 4/30/12
Project: Research project
Stabilized Biomimetic Separation Media
Aspinwall, C. A. (PI)
5/1/11 → 4/30/16
Project: Research project
Preventive Analgesia for Bone Cancer Pain
Mantyh, P. W. (PI)
5/1/11 → 4/30/16
Project: Research project
Impact of AMP-activated kinase on sex differences in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Konhilas, J. P. (PI)
4/18/11 → 3/31/16
Project: Research project
Development of a Multi-Resolution Foveated Laparoscope
Hua, H. (PI)
4/1/11 → 3/31/14
Project: Research project
Role of the Giant Protein Titin in Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function
Granzier, H. L. (PI)
4/1/11 → 2/29/16
Project: Research project
Large-scale evaluation of text features affecting perceived and actual text diffi
Leroy, G. A. (PI)
3/15/11 → 3/14/14
Project: Research project
Reduced contractile reserve: a therapeutic target in heart failure with normal EF
Sweitzer, N. K. (PI)
3/7/11 → 11/30/13
Project: Research project
Impact of Implementing the EMS Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Guidelines
Spaite, D. W. (PI) & Bobrow, B. (PI)
3/1/11 → 2/28/17
Project: Research project
The Primate Corpus Luteum: Functional Regression and Cardiovascular Impacts
Bogan, M. (PI)
3/1/11 → 6/30/16
Project: Research project
2011 Gordon Research Conference on Nitric Oxide
Montfort, W. R. (PI)
2/11/11 → 7/18/11
Project: Research project
Integrated Tubular and Vascular Structure and Function in Renal Inner Medulla
Pannabecker, T. L. (PI)
2/1/11 → 1/31/17
Project: Research project
Pilot Testing the Signs of Health Intervention (SoHi)
Jones, E. G. (PI)
1/1/11 → 12/31/12
Project: Research project
Imaging Learning in Developmental Language Disorder
Plante, E. M. (PI)
1/1/11 → 12/31/15
Project: Research project
Pediatric Adverse Drug Reactions in NASH
Cherrington, N. J. (PI)
12/27/10 → 11/30/16
Project: Research project
A molecular study linking cTnT dynamics to genetic cardiomyopathy
Tardiff, J. C. (PI) & Schwartz, S. D. (CoPI)
12/15/10 → 2/29/20
Project: Research project
Burgess, J. L. (PI)
9/30/10 → 9/30/15
Project: Research project
GEISHA: A Chicken Embryo Gene Expression Resource
Antin, P. B. (PI)
9/30/10 → 7/31/16
Project: Research project
Innovative Diffusion of Comparative Effectiveness Research
Malone, D. C. (PI)
9/30/10 → 9/29/13
Project: Research project
Arizona Surveillance and Research Center for Developmental Disabilities
Rice, A. M. (PI) & Cunniff, C. M. (CoPI)
9/30/10 → 9/29/13
Project: Research project
Phase II Study of Inhales Carbon Monoxide for the Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmona
Choi, A. (PI), Rosas, I. O. (PI) & Garcia, J. G. (CoPI)
9/24/10 → 6/30/15
Project: Research project
Lybarger, L. P. (PI)
9/23/10 → 8/31/12
Project: Research project
Evaluation of Di-indolylmethane supplementation to modulate tamoxifen efficacy in
Thomson, C. A. (PI)
9/20/10 → 7/31/16
Project: Research project
Blocking Hypertension by Regulatory T-lymphocytes
Larson, D. F. (PI)
9/20/10 → 6/30/15
Project: Research project
Epigenetic Features of Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer in Hispanic Women
Futscher, B. W. (PI), Martinez, M. E. (PI) & Futscher, B. W. (CoPI)
9/17/10 → 8/31/15
Project: Research project
Alternaria proteases and protease defenses in asthma
Daines, M. O. (PI) & Daines, M. (PI)
9/15/10 → 6/30/16
Project: Research project
Islet Protection from Hypoxia Posttransplant
Papas, K. K. (PI)
9/5/10 → 2/28/14
Project: Research project
Mechanism of Medication Overuse Headache and Chronic Migraine Pain
Porreca, F. (PI)
9/1/10 → 7/31/16
Project: Research project
Western Mining Safety and Health Resource Center
Burgess, J. L. (PI), Poulton, M. (PI) & Burgess, J. L. (CoPI)
9/1/10 → 8/31/17
Project: Research project
A Model for Analyzing the Role of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors Responsible for
Harris, D. T. (PI), Rogers, I. A. N. (PI) & Ahmad, N. (CoPI)
9/1/10 → 8/31/15
Project: Research project
Retinoid Mediated Protection Against Reactive Oxygen Species Induced Cytotoxicity
Lau, S. (PI)
9/1/10 → 4/30/16
Project: Research project
Genetic risk factors in African American colorectal cancer patients
Ellis, N. (PI)
8/10/10 → 7/31/16
Project: Research project
Expeditious, biologically driven Pilot Libraries for File Enhancement
Hulme, C. (PI)
8/5/10 → 5/31/14
Project: Research project
Kinematic Modeling of Asymmetric Vocal Fold Vibration
Samlan, R. A. (PI)
8/2/10 → 8/1/12
Project: Research project
Identification of Natural Product Inhibitors of Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis
Funk, J. L. (PI)
8/1/10 → 7/31/13
Project: Research project
A pilot study of CPAP Adherence Promotion by Peer Buddies With Sleep Apnea
Parthasarathy, S. (PI)
8/1/10 → 7/30/11
Project: Research project
The primate amygdala and the control of visual search of emotional stimuli
Gothard, K. M. (PI)
7/26/10 → 5/31/12
Project: Research project
Study of Asthma and Nasal Steroids Trial-An ancillary mechanistic study
Bime, C. (PI)
7/16/10 → 7/15/12
Project: Research project
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease in a Novel Feline Model of Familial Hypertrophic
Harris, S. (PI)
7/15/10 → 4/30/14
Project: Research project