White light propagation invariant beams

  • P. Fischer (Contributor)
  • C. T A Brown (Contributor)
  • J. E. Morris (Contributor)
  • C. López-Mariscal (Contributor)
  • Ewan M Wright (Contributor)
  • W. Sibbett (Contributor)
  • Kishan Dholakia (Contributor)



Propagation invariant light fields such as Bessel light beams are of interest in a variety of current areas such as micromanipulation of atoms and mesoscopic particles, laser plasmas, and the study of optical angular momentum. Considering the optical fields as a superposition of conical waves, we discuss how the coherence properties of light play a key role in their formation. As an example, we show that Bessel beams can be created from temporally incoherent broadband light sources including a halogen bulb. By using a supercontinuum source we elucidate how the beam behaves as a function of bandwidth of the incident light field.
Date made available2005
  • White light propagation invariant beams

    Fischer, P., Brown, C. T. A., Morris, J. E., López-Mariscal, C., Wright, E. M., Sibbett, W. & Dholakia, K., Aug 22 2005, In: Optics Express. 13, 17, p. 6657-6666 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    62 Scopus citations

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